A comprehensive review on cyber-attacks in power systems: Impact analysis, detection, and cyber security
Continuous communication and information technology advancements facilitate the
modernization of the conventional energy grid into an integrated platform. Internet-of-Things …
modernization of the conventional energy grid into an integrated platform. Internet-of-Things …
Blockchain and machine learning: A critical review on security
H Taherdoost - Information, 2023 - mdpi.com
Blockchain is the foundation of all cryptocurrencies, while machine learning (ML) is one of
the most popular technologies with a wide range of possibilities. Blockchain may be …
the most popular technologies with a wide range of possibilities. Blockchain may be …
A survey on blockchain technology: Evolution, architecture and security
Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that is making a great impact on modern society
due to its transparency, decentralization, and security properties. Blockchain gained …
due to its transparency, decentralization, and security properties. Blockchain gained …
Blockchain-based authentication schemes in smart environments: A systematic literature review
This study presents a systematic literature review on blockchain-based authentication in
smart environments that include smart city, smart home, smart grid, smart healthcare, smart …
smart environments that include smart city, smart home, smart grid, smart healthcare, smart …
Recent Lightweight cryptography (LWC) based security advances for resource-constrained IoT networks
In today's world, the Internet of Things (IoT) plays a major role to interconnect all the devices
and improve the overall Quality of Life (QoL) for people. The main concern among IoT …
and improve the overall Quality of Life (QoL) for people. The main concern among IoT …
Applying blockchain technology and the internet of things to improve the data reliability for livestock insurance
L Shen, Z Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Xu - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
Animal husbandry is a vital sector in China's agriculture sector, contributing to over one-third
of its agricultural output, and more than 40% of farmers' income. However, this industry is …
of its agricultural output, and more than 40% of farmers' income. However, this industry is …
Quantum-resistance blockchain-assisted certificateless data authentication and key exchange scheme for the smart grid metering infrastructure
In the contemporary landscape of energy infrastructure, the “smart-grid metering
infrastructure (SGMI)” emerges as a pivotal entity for efficiently monitoring and regulating …
infrastructure (SGMI)” emerges as a pivotal entity for efficiently monitoring and regulating …
Repetitive Backdoor Attacks and Countermeasures for Smart Grid Reinforcement Incremental Learning
In smart grids, smart meters (SMs) transmit power consumption data to utilities for billing and
energy management. However, compromised SMs can report low consumption to reduce …
energy management. However, compromised SMs can report low consumption to reduce …
[HTML][HTML] A lightweight certificateless group key agreement method without pairing based on blockchain for smart grid
Z Wang, R Huo, S Wang - Future Internet, 2022 - mdpi.com
In smart grids, the access verification of a large number of intelligent gateways and terminal
devices has become one of the main concerns to ensure system security. This means that …
devices has become one of the main concerns to ensure system security. This means that …
A novel lightweight authentication and privacy-preserving protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks
SKA Theodore, KR Gandhi, V Palanisamy - Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2021 - Springer
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is commonly employed in intelligent transportation
system (ITS) that allows the exchange of traffic data among vehicles and nearby …
system (ITS) that allows the exchange of traffic data among vehicles and nearby …