Success measurement of enterprise social networks
Especially in the knowledge intensive service industry and times of virtual teams, there is a
high need to support collaboration and information exchange between employees with IT …
high need to support collaboration and information exchange between employees with IT …
IRESS: Identification of requirements for enterprise social software
JH Glitsch, P Schubert - Procedia computer science, 2017 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present a revised version of the IRESS Framework, a novel approach that
supports the implementation of Enterprise Social Software (ESS) in companies. ESS is a …
supports the implementation of Enterprise Social Software (ESS) in companies. ESS is a …
A framework to analyze enterprise social network data
Abstract Enterprise Social Networks have a similar set of functionalities as social networking
sites but are run as closed applications within a company's intranet. Interacting and …
sites but are run as closed applications within a company's intranet. Interacting and …
How Are Employees Using Collaboration Software to Support Their Work? A Method for Analyzing Digital Traces in Enterprise Collaboration Systems
In this study, we present a novel method for investigating the digital traces of collaborative
user activity in large-scale Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS). Guided by existing …
user activity in large-scale Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS). Guided by existing …
Enterprise social networks: a business model perspective
Enterprise Social Networks continue to be adopted by organisations looking to increase
collaboration between employees, customers and industry partners. Offering a varied range …
collaboration between employees, customers and industry partners. Offering a varied range …
Using Materialised Ontology-Based Data Access (MOBDA) for the Harmonisation of Trace Data from Enterprise Collaboration Systems
L Schlömer, M Just, P Schubert - 2024 - aisel.aisnet.org
Recent changes in the workplace have led to a significant increase in the use of enterprise
collaboration software. The adoption of collaboration software is not always straightforward …
collaboration software. The adoption of collaboration software is not always straightforward …
Welche Use Cases eignen sich für die Umsetzung in einem Enterprise Social Network? Eine Fallstudie bei der N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft
J Viol, M Lüdecke - Workshop Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe …, 2015 - dl.gi.de
Zusammenfassung Eine wachsende Anzahl von Unternehmen führt Enterprise Social
Networks (ESN) ein, um den Wissensaustausch zwischen den Mitarbeitern zu verbessern …
Networks (ESN) ein, um den Wissensaustausch zwischen den Mitarbeitern zu verbessern …
Social computing in corporations
M Koch - 2012 - degruyter.com
Social computing refers to supporting social interaction and socialization by the use of IT
systems [1; 2]. Within that context, the term “social software” is used for tools or services that …
systems [1; 2]. Within that context, the term “social software” is used for tools or services that …
[PDF][PDF] Social Collaboration Analytics: A Framework for Measuring Collaboration Activities in Enterprise Collaboration Systems
F Schwade - 2021 - uko.opus.hbz-nrw.de
Abstract Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) have become substantial for computer-
mediated communication and collaboration among employees in organisations. As ECS …
mediated communication and collaboration among employees in organisations. As ECS …
Sha** a social software for a distributed military organisation
While the deployment of social software has become widespread in private enterprises in
the past years, the usage in military institutions is not common practice yet. This paper …
the past years, the usage in military institutions is not common practice yet. This paper …