Jum** droplets
JB Boreyko - Droplet, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
When microdroplets with quasi‐spherical contact angles coalesce together on a low‐
adhesion substrate, the capillary‐inertial expansion of the liquid bridge induces a dramatic …
adhesion substrate, the capillary‐inertial expansion of the liquid bridge induces a dramatic …
Bioinspired Superwettability Surface Strategies for Condensation Heat Transfer
R Wang, Y Tian, B Shen, X Gao - ACS nano, 2025 - ACS Publications
Along with the development of miniaturization, integration, and high power of electronic
chips in the 5G and artificial intelligence era and their urgent need for technologies enabled …
chips in the 5G and artificial intelligence era and their urgent need for technologies enabled …
A novel building envelope combined with jum**-droplet thermal diode: From theory to practice
Intelligent and adjustable building envelopes have the advantages of energy saving and
comfort compared to traditional building envelopes and are an important direction for future …
comfort compared to traditional building envelopes and are an important direction for future …
Sequential self-propelled morphology transitions of nanoscale condensates enable a cascade jum**-droplet condensation
Jum**-droplet condensation, namely the out-of-plane jum** of condensed droplets
upon coalescence, has been a promising technical innovation in the fields of energy …
upon coalescence, has been a promising technical innovation in the fields of energy …
Hierarchically branched siloxane brushes for efficient harvesting of atmospheric water
Atmospheric water harvesting is considered a viable source of freshwater to alleviate water
scarcity in an arid climate. Water condensation tends to be more efficient on …
scarcity in an arid climate. Water condensation tends to be more efficient on …
High-speed directional transport of condensate droplets on superhydrophobic saw-tooth surfaces
H Hou, X Wu, Z Hu, S Gao, Y Wu, Y Lin, L Dai… - Journal of Colloid and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Hypothesis Most droplets on high-efficiency condensing surfaces have radii of less than 100
μm, but conventional droplet transport methods (such as wettability-gradient surfaces and …
μm, but conventional droplet transport methods (such as wettability-gradient surfaces and …
Coalescence-induced droplet jum** on superhydrophobic surfaces with non-uniformly distributed micropillars
H Hou, X Wu, Z Hu, S Gao, L Dai, Z Yuan - Colloids and Surfaces A …, 2023 - Elsevier
The phenomenon of droplet jum** induced by coalescence holds significant potential for
application in diverse areas such as water collection, self-cleaning, and thermal …
application in diverse areas such as water collection, self-cleaning, and thermal …
Tailoring wettability to push the limits of condensation
Wetting plays a crucial role in achieving efficient condensation in applications such as
atmospheric water harvesting, air conditioning and refrigeration, and thermal power plants …
atmospheric water harvesting, air conditioning and refrigeration, and thermal power plants …
The transport performance of condensate droplets on inclined superhydrophobic surfaces
H Hou, X Wu, Z Hu, S Gao, Z Yuan - Applied Physics Letters, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Coalescence-induced droplet jum** on superhydrophobic surfaces has significant
potential for various applications, such as enhanced condensation, water harvesting, self …
potential for various applications, such as enhanced condensation, water harvesting, self …
Optimizing micro-grooved biphilic surfaces for enhanced condensation heat transfer and coalescence-induced droplet jum**
Condensation on heat transfer surfaces plays a crucial role in various industrial and energy
applications, such as power generation, water harvesting, and thermal management …
applications, such as power generation, water harvesting, and thermal management …