Ecology, disturbance and restoration of coastal saltmarsh in Australia: a review
P Laegdsgaard - Wetlands Ecology and Management, 2006 - Springer
It is clear that saltmarshes are a unique and important component of the coastal biosphere of
Australia. Their contribution ranges from stabilisation of fine sediments and providing an …
Australia. Their contribution ranges from stabilisation of fine sediments and providing an …
European intertidal marshes: a review of their habitat functioning and value for aquatic organisms
A Cattrijsse, H Hampel - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2006 - int-res.com
Salt marshes form true ecotones between land and sea fauna and flora that have adapted to
an environment that is both aquatic and terrestrial in nature. Despite the extreme and sharp …
an environment that is both aquatic and terrestrial in nature. Despite the extreme and sharp …
Salt marsh restoration for the provision of multiple ecosystem services
Restoration of salt marsh is urgent, as these ecosystems provide natural coastal protection
from sea-level rise impacts, contribute towards climate change mitigation, and provide …
from sea-level rise impacts, contribute towards climate change mitigation, and provide …
Composition of fish communities in a European macrotidal salt marsh (the Mont Saint-Michel Bay, France)
P Laffaille, E Feunteun, JC Lefeuvre - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2000 - Elsevier
At least 100 fish species are known to be present in the intertidal areas (estuaries, mudflats
and salt marshes) of Mont Saint-Michel Bay. These and other comparable shallow marine …
and salt marshes) of Mont Saint-Michel Bay. These and other comparable shallow marine …
Feeding ecology of o-group sea bass,Dicentrarchus labrax, in salt marshes of Mont Saint Michel Bay (France)
P Laffaille, JC Lefeuvre, MT Schricke, E Feunteun - Estuaries, 2001 - Springer
group sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, colonize intertidal marsh creeks of Mont Saint Michel
Bay, France, on spring tides (eg, 43% of the tides) during flood and return to coastal waters …
Bay, France, on spring tides (eg, 43% of the tides) during flood and return to coastal waters …
[HTML][HTML] Biodiversity in salt marshes: from patrimonial value to ecosystem functioning. The case study of the Mont-Saint-Michel bay
JC Lefeuvre, P Laffaille, E Feunteun, V Bouchard… - Comptes Rendus …, 2003 - Elsevier
Until 1979, European salt marshes were known only through the inventories of fauna and
especially of flora. On such criteria, the salt marshes of the Mont-Saint-Michel bay (France) …
especially of flora. On such criteria, the salt marshes of the Mont-Saint-Michel bay (France) …
Temperate coastal wetlands: morphology, sediment processes, and plant communities
P Pratolongo, N Leonardi, JR Kirby, A Plater - Coastal Wetlands, 2019 - Elsevier
Temperate coastal wetlands include a large variety of environments, from tidal flats and salt
marshes to nontidal wetlands at the landward edge, whose hydrology is still influenced by …
marshes to nontidal wetlands at the landward edge, whose hydrology is still influenced by …
Impact of an invasive plant (Elymus athericus) on the conservation value of tidal salt marshes in western France and implications for management: responses of spider …
J Pétillon, F Ysnel, A Canard, JC Lefeuvre - Biological Conservation, 2005 - Elsevier
As a result of Elymus athericus (Poaceae) invasion in the last 10 years, a major change in
vegetation cover has occurred in salt marshes of the Mont Saint-Michel bay (France). Such …
vegetation cover has occurred in salt marshes of the Mont Saint-Michel bay (France). Such …
Can thin-lipped mullet directly exploit the primary and detritic production of European macrotidal salt marshes?
P Laffaille, E Feunteun, C Lefebvre, A Radureau… - Estuarine, Coastal and …, 2002 - Elsevier
Juveniles and adults (> 100mm) of Liza ramada colonize macrotidal salt marsh creeks of
Mont Saint-Michel bay (France) between March and November, during spring tide floods …
Mont Saint-Michel bay (France) between March and November, during spring tide floods …
Feeding habits of young predatory fishes in marsh creeks situated along the salinity gradient of the Schelde estuary, Belgium and The Netherlands
H Hampel, A Cattrijsse, M Elliott - Helgoland marine research, 2005 - Springer
Fish and macrobenthos were sampled in four different marshes along the salinity gradient of
the Schelde estuary, Belgium/Netherlands, to investigate the importance of marsh creeks as …
the Schelde estuary, Belgium/Netherlands, to investigate the importance of marsh creeks as …