Impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats in global drylands
Urban regions across the world have expanded rapidly in recent decades, affecting fragile
natural habitats, including in drylands, and threatening the achievement of the UN …
natural habitats, including in drylands, and threatening the achievement of the UN …
Balancing efficiency and resilience objectives in pursuit of sustainable infrastructure transformations
Highlights•There is an intrinsic tension between efficiency (E) and resilience (R).•Greater
resilience often means less efficiency, and vice versa.•Infrastructure systems tend to align …
resilience often means less efficiency, and vice versa.•Infrastructure systems tend to align …
A review of systems modelling for local sustainability
Abstract The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a holistic and ambitious
agenda for transforming the world towards societal well-being, economic prosperity, and …
agenda for transforming the world towards societal well-being, economic prosperity, and …
Equity and modeling in sustainability science: Examples and opportunities throughout the process
Equity is core to sustainability, but current interventions to enhance sustainability often fall
short in adequately addressing this linkage. Models are important tools for informing action …
short in adequately addressing this linkage. Models are important tools for informing action …
Effects of global climate mitigation on regional air quality and health
Climate mitigation can bring air quality and health co-benefits. How these health impacts
might be distributed across countries remains unclear. Here we use a coupled climate …
might be distributed across countries remains unclear. Here we use a coupled climate …
Multisector dynamics: Advancing the science of complex adaptive human‐Earth systems
Abstract The field of MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) explores the dynamics and co‐
evolutionary pathways of human and Earth systems with a focus on critical goods, services …
evolutionary pathways of human and Earth systems with a focus on critical goods, services …
Integrated assessment modeling reveals near-channel management as cost-effective to improve water quality in agricultural watersheds
Despite decades of policy that strives to reduce nutrient and sediment export from
agricultural fields, surface water quality in intensively managed agricultural landscapes …
agricultural fields, surface water quality in intensively managed agricultural landscapes …
Uncertainty in boundedly rational household adaptation to environmental shocks
Despite the growing calls to integrate realistic human behavior in sustainability science
models, the representative rational agent prevails. This is especially problematic for climate …
models, the representative rational agent prevails. This is especially problematic for climate …
Eight archetypes of sustainable development goal (SDG) synergies and trade‐offs
Abstract Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is contingent on managing
complex interactions that create synergies and trade‐offs between different goals. It is …
complex interactions that create synergies and trade‐offs between different goals. It is …
Representing socio‐economic uncertainty in human system models
Socio‐economic development pathways and their implications for the environment are
highly uncertain, and energy transitions will involve complex interactions among sectors …
highly uncertain, and energy transitions will involve complex interactions among sectors …