Smart mobility in urban areas: a bibliometric review and research agenda
Transportation systems globally face challenges related to congestion, decreased quality of
life, limited accessibility, increased harmful emissions and costs, growing use of private cars …
life, limited accessibility, increased harmful emissions and costs, growing use of private cars …
The role of social capital, personal networks, and emergency responders in post-disaster recovery and resilience: a study of rural communities in Indiana
The factors that explain the speed of recovery after disaster remain contested. While many
have argued that physical infrastructure, social capital, and disaster damage influence the …
have argued that physical infrastructure, social capital, and disaster damage influence the …
The role of social networks and information sources on hurricane evacuation decision making
Hurricanes often threaten to have catastrophic impacts on the lives of residents in coastal
areas of the US Timely evacuation limits this impact, but people may choose to evacuate or …
areas of the US Timely evacuation limits this impact, but people may choose to evacuate or …
Gravity-based community vulnerability evaluation model in social networks: GBCVE
The usage of social media around the world is ever-increasing. Social media statistics from
2019 show that there are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide. However, the existence …
2019 show that there are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide. However, the existence …
Disentangling social capital–Understanding the effect of bonding and bridging on urban activity participation
Social capital is a critical glue for economic and social development in urban areas. Yet, to
effectively guide research and practice, there is a need for careful measurement of social …
effectively guide research and practice, there is a need for careful measurement of social …
[HTML][HTML] Can sharing economy platforms increase social equity for vulnerable populations in disaster response and relief? A case study of the 2017 and 2018 …
Ensuring social equity in evacuations and disasters remains a critical challenge for many
emergency management and transportation agencies. Recent sharing economy advances …
emergency management and transportation agencies. Recent sharing economy advances …
Modeling joint evacuation decisions in social networks: The case of Hurricane Sandy
Coastal areas of the United States are vulnerable to substantial loss of lives and property
damage from repeatedly occurring hurricanes and evacuation is the usual recourse to …
damage from repeatedly occurring hurricanes and evacuation is the usual recourse to …
Analysis of social interaction network properties and growth on Twitter
The complex topology of real networks allows its actors to change their functional behavior.
Network models provide better understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms being …
Network models provide better understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms being …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling social network influence on hurricane evacuation decision consistency and sharing capacity
Evacuations in major disasters such as hurricanes involve complex decision-making and
depend on several interrelated factors. Mass evacuation created traffic gridlocks with hours …
depend on several interrelated factors. Mass evacuation created traffic gridlocks with hours …
Joint inference of user community and interest patterns in social interaction networks
Online social media have become an integral part of our social beings. Analyzing
conversations in social media platforms can lead to complex probabilistic models to …
conversations in social media platforms can lead to complex probabilistic models to …