The influence of grinding process on forced vibration dam** in headstock of grinding wheel of cylindrical grinder
The paper describes theoretical analysis of dynamics of system: machine–tool–workpiece
for cylindrical plunge grinding. The functional as well as mathematical model of grinder …
for cylindrical plunge grinding. The functional as well as mathematical model of grinder …
Statistical procedures for determining of parameters for the evaluation of the condition and safety in logistic of military vehicles
The use of technical condition assessment methods in the process of vehicle operation,
which are the basis for automating the process of recognizing their current condition and …
which are the basis for automating the process of recognizing their current condition and …
The mathematical description of dynamics of the cylindrical grinder
In this paper the physical model of a cylindrical plunge grinder with hydrostatic slideways
and hydrostatic bearings for the grinding wheel spindle has been presented. The model was …
and hydrostatic bearings for the grinding wheel spindle has been presented. The model was …
Simulation and experimental research of the grinder's wheelhead dynamics
In this paper we present a simulation based on the physical model of a cylindrical, plunge
grinder with hydrostatic slideways and hydrostatic bearings of a grinding wheel spindle. The …
grinder with hydrostatic slideways and hydrostatic bearings of a grinding wheel spindle. The …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling the performance of selected textile elements of personal protective equipment protecting against falls from a height during fall arrest
K Baszczyński - Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2013 - bibliotekanauki.pl
Ropes and woven webbing used in personal equipment protecting against falls from a
height determine the course of forces acting on the human body during fall arrest, as well as …
height determine the course of forces acting on the human body during fall arrest, as well as …
Modelling in the Identification of Threats to the Functioning of Technical System
Modern technical systems used in practice (machines, vehicles, military technology) are
subject to automatic degradation of the technical condition, which forces modelling to …
subject to automatic degradation of the technical condition, which forces modelling to …
[PDF][PDF] The application of the nonlinear least squares frequency domain method to estimation of the modal model parameters
The least squares is the most popular algorithm for solving linear as well as nonlinear
systems of equations. In the paper there are presented the theoretical basis of the Gauss …
systems of equations. In the paper there are presented the theoretical basis of the Gauss …
Artificial neural networks for identification in real time of the robot manipulator model parameters
In this paper, the manipulator identification process was presented. To identify single-layer
neural network with sigmoidal functions that describe individual neurons was used. The …
neural network with sigmoidal functions that describe individual neurons was used. The …
[CITATION][C] Practical aspects of identification of the aerodynamic characteristics
JA Goszczyński - Journal of theoretical and …, 2006 - warminski.pollub.plwww.ptmts.org.pl
The problem of identification of aircraft aerodynamic characteristics performed by means of
recording current flight parameters is presented in the paper. Basic concepts of fast …
recording current flight parameters is presented in the paper. Basic concepts of fast …
Identification of beam boundary conditions in ill-posed problem
L Majkut - Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2006 - ptmts.org.pl
Verification of the obtained mathematical model (elastically supported Bernoulli-Euler's
beam) was done by comparing natural frequencies obtained from analytical and numerical …
beam) was done by comparing natural frequencies obtained from analytical and numerical …