The Brewer‐Dobson circulation

N Butchart - Reviews of geophysics, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
One of the more robust results of greenhouse gas‐induced climate change to emerge from
chemistry‐climate and climate model projections in the last decade is, depending on the …

Detecting recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer

MP Chipperfield, S Bekki, S Dhomse, NRP Harris… - Nature, 2017 -
As a result of the 1987 Montreal Protocol and its amendments, the atmospheric loading of
anthropogenic ozone-depleting substances is decreasing. Accordingly, the stratospheric …

Earth system chemistry integrated modelling (ESCiMo) with the modular earth submodel system (MESSy) version 2.51

P Jöckel, H Tost, A Pozzer, M Kunze… - Geoscientific Model …, 2016 -
Three types of reference simulations, as recommended by the Chemistry–Climate Model
Initiative (CCMI), have been performed with version 2.51 of the European Centre for Medium …

Internal gravity waves from atmospheric jets and fronts

R Plougonven, F Zhang - Reviews of Geophysics, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
For several decades, jets and fronts have been known from observations to be significant
sources of internal gravity waves in the atmosphere. Motivations to investigate these waves …

Recent developments in gravity‐wave effects in climate models and the global distribution of gravity‐wave momentum flux from observations and models

MJ Alexander, M Geller, C McLandress… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Recent observational and theoretical studies of the global properties of small‐scale
atmospheric gravity waves have highlighted the global effects of these waves on the …

The extratropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere

A Gettelman, P Hoor, LL Pan, WJ Randel… - Reviews of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
The extratropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (Ex‐UTLS) is a transition region
between the stratosphere and the troposphere. The Ex‐UTLS includes the tropopause, a …

Physical processes in the tropical tropopause layer and their roles in a changing climate

WJ Randel, EJ Jensen - Nature Geoscience, 2013 -
Tropical climate and the composition of the global upper atmosphere are affected by the
tropical tropopause layer—the atmospheric transition zone between the well-mixed …

Long‐term ozone changes and associated climate impacts in CMIP5 simulations

V Eyring, JM Arblaster, I Cionni… - Journal of …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Ozone changes and associated climate impacts in the Coupled Model Intercomparison
Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) simulations are analyzed over the historical (1960–2005) and …

Estimates of ozone return dates from Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative simulations

SS Dhomse, D Kinnison… - Atmospheric …, 2018 -
We analyse simulations performed for the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) to
estimate the return dates of the stratospheric ozone layer from depletion caused by …