Current and future use of “dried blood spot” analyses in clinical chemistry
The analysis of blood spotted and dried on a matrix (ie,“dried blood spot” or DBS) has been
used since the 1960s in clinical chemistry; mostly for neonatal screening. Since then, many …
used since the 1960s in clinical chemistry; mostly for neonatal screening. Since then, many …
Preservation and Extraction of Malaria Parasite DNA from Dried Blood Spots
Molecular studies related to diagnosis and research rely on collection of blood samples and
extraction of high-quality DNA. In Africa, where the populations carried 94% of the total …
extraction of high-quality DNA. In Africa, where the populations carried 94% of the total …
The use of Taqman genoty** assays for rapid confirmation of β‐thalassaemia mutations in the Malays: accurate diagnosis with low DNA concentrations
Summary Introduction In Malaysia, β‐thalassaemia is a common inherited blood disorder in
haemoglobin synthesis with a carrier rate of 4.5%. Currently, PCR‐incorporating techniques …
haemoglobin synthesis with a carrier rate of 4.5%. Currently, PCR‐incorporating techniques …
A Comprehensive Comparison of DNA Extraction Using Fresh and Stored Bloods in Molecular Hematology Diagnostic Study
Objective: Blood is the main source of DNA in molecular biology. It provides a high DNA
quality and quantity. In this study, we compare the quality and quantity of DNA isolated from …
quality and quantity. In this study, we compare the quality and quantity of DNA isolated from …
Blood sampling using “dried blood spot”: a clinical biology revolution underway?
L'analyse de sang déposé et séché sur un papier buvard (dried blood spot ou DBS) est
utilisée depuis les années 1960 en analyse clinique, principalement dans le cadre du …
utilisée depuis les années 1960 en analyse clinique, principalement dans le cadre du …
Standardization of an organic DNA extraction method from dried blood spots and its downstream molecular applications in neonatal screening and diagnostic …
Introduction: Dried blood spot (DBS) samples have been used for diagnostic purposes since
its introduction for the neonatal screening of phenylketonuria almost 50 years ago. From that …
its introduction for the neonatal screening of phenylketonuria almost 50 years ago. From that …
[PDF][PDF] Le prélèvement sanguin sur papier buvard: une révolution de la biologie médicale en marche
L'analyse de sang déposé et séché sur un papier buvard (dried blood spot ou DBS) est
utilisée depuis les années 1960 en analyse clinique, principalement dans le cadre du …
utilisée depuis les années 1960 en analyse clinique, principalement dans le cadre du …
Extraction of Chromosomal DNA and Plasmid from Yersinia pestis
Y Zhou - Yersinia Pestis Protocols, 2018 - Springer
Yersinia pestis DNA is needed for genome sequencing, molecular cloning, protein
expression, PCR detection, and other experiments. We can use the SDS-proteinase K and …
expression, PCR detection, and other experiments. We can use the SDS-proteinase K and …
Avaliação e validação da utilidade clínica do sequenciamento de nova geração (NGS) para confirmação do diagnóstico de doenças lisossômicas selecionadas
DER Málaga - 2018 -
Introduction: Lysosomal diseases (LDs) are genetic pathologies that, although classified as
rare, affect a significant percentage of the population. Many factors make its diagnosis …
rare, affect a significant percentage of the population. Many factors make its diagnosis …
[PDF][PDF] Current and future use of “Dried Blood Spot” analyses in clinical chemistry
For Review Only Page 1 For Review Only Current and future use of —Dried Blood Spot“
analyses in clinical chemistry Journal: Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Manuscript …
analyses in clinical chemistry Journal: Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Manuscript …