Atomic-level design of biomimetic iron-sulfur clusters for biocatalysis
X Zhang, S Zhou, D Liu, K Fan, H Liu - Nanoscale, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Designing biomimetic materials with high activity and customized biological functions by
mimicking the central structure of biomolecules has become an important avenue for the …
mimicking the central structure of biomolecules has become an important avenue for the …
An Artificial [Fe4S4]-Containing Metalloenzyme for the Reduction of CO2 to Hydrocarbons
Iron–sulfur clusters have been reported to catalyze various redox transformations, including
the multielectron reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons. Herein, we report the design and …
the multielectron reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons. Herein, we report the design and …
Inorganic Fe-O and Fe-S oxidoreductases: paradigms for prebiotic chemistry and the evolution of enzymatic activity in biology
Oxidoreductases play crucial roles in electron transfer during biological redox reactions.
These reactions are not exclusive to protein-based biocatalysts; nano-size (< 100 nm), fine …
These reactions are not exclusive to protein-based biocatalysts; nano-size (< 100 nm), fine …
Three-coordinate nickel and metal–metal interactions in a heterometallic iron–sulfur cluster
Biological multielectron reactions often are performed by metalloenzymes with
heterometallic sites, such as anaerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH), which …
heterometallic sites, such as anaerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH), which …
An iron–sulfur cluster with a highly pyramidalized three-coordinate iron center and a negligible affinity for dinitrogen
Attempts to generate open coordination sites for N2 binding at synthetic Fe–S clusters often
instead result in cluster oligomerization. Recently, it was shown for Mo–Fe–S clusters that …
instead result in cluster oligomerization. Recently, it was shown for Mo–Fe–S clusters that …
Highly Activated Terminal Carbon Monoxide Ligand in an Iron–Sulfur Cluster Model of FeMco with Intermediate Local Spin State at Fe
Nitrogenases, the enzymes that convert N2 to NH3, also catalyze the reductive coupling of
CO to yield hydrocarbons. CO-coordinated species of nitrogenase clusters have been …
CO to yield hydrocarbons. CO-coordinated species of nitrogenase clusters have been …
Opportunities for insight into the mechanism of efficient CO2/CO interconversion at a nickel-iron cluster in CO dehydrogenase
The reduction of CO 2 with low overpotential and high selectivity is a crucial challenge in
catalysis. Fortunately, natural systems have evolved enzymes that achieve this catalytic …
catalysis. Fortunately, natural systems have evolved enzymes that achieve this catalytic …
Understanding the Electronic Structure Basis for N2 Binding to FeMoco: A Systematic Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Investigation
Y Pang, R Bjornsson - Inorganic Chemistry, 2023 - ACS Publications
The FeMo cofactor (FeMoco) of Mo nitrogenase is responsible for reducing dinitrogen to
ammonia, but it requires the addition of 3–4 e–/H+ pairs before N2 even binds. A binding …
ammonia, but it requires the addition of 3–4 e–/H+ pairs before N2 even binds. A binding …
Terminal Hydride Complex of High-Spin Mn
A Drena, A Fraker, NB Thompson… - Journal of the …, 2024 - ACS Publications
The iron–molybdenum cofactor of nitrogenase (FeMoco) catalyzes fixation of N2 via Fe
hydride intermediates. Our understanding of these species has relied heavily on the …
hydride intermediates. Our understanding of these species has relied heavily on the …
Exploiting molecular symmetry to quantitatively map the excited-state landscape of iron–sulfur clusters
Cuboidal [Fe4S4] clusters are ubiquitous cofactors in biological redox chemistry. In the
[Fe4S4] 1+ state, pairwise spin coupling gives rise to six arrangements of the Fe valences …
[Fe4S4] 1+ state, pairwise spin coupling gives rise to six arrangements of the Fe valences …