First results of the wave measurements by the WHU VLF wave detection system at the Chinese Great Wall station in Antarctica
X Gu, Q Wang, B Ni, W Xu, S Wang, J Yi… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract A Very Low Frequency (VLF) wave detection system has been designed at Wuhan
University (WHU) and recently deployed by the Polar Research Institute of China at the …
University (WHU) and recently deployed by the Polar Research Institute of China at the …
Effects of St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storm of March 2015 and of June 2015 on Low‐Equatorial D Region Ionosphere
D region effects of the 17–19 March 2015, a St Patrick's Day super geomagnetic storm
(Dst=− 223 nT), using a navigational transmitter very low frequency (VLF) signal (NWC, 19.8 …
(Dst=− 223 nT), using a navigational transmitter very low frequency (VLF) signal (NWC, 19.8 …
Development of ground-based ELF/VLF receiver system in Wuhan and its first results
Y Chen, G Yang, B Ni, Z Zhao, X Gu, C Zhou… - Advances in Space …, 2016 - Elsevier
A new digital low-frequency receiver system has been developed at Wuhan University for
sensitive reception of low-latitude broadband Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Very Low …
sensitive reception of low-latitude broadband Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Very Low …
First observations of low latitude whistlers using WHU ELF/VLF receiver system
YP Chen, BB Ni, XD Gu, ZY Zhao, GB Yang… - Science China …, 2017 - Springer
The recently developed high-quality WHU ELF/VLF receiver system has been deployed in
Suizhou, China (geomagnetic latitude 21.81° N, longitude 174.44° E, L= 1.16) to detect low …
Suizhou, China (geomagnetic latitude 21.81° N, longitude 174.44° E, L= 1.16) to detect low …
Low‐mid latitude D region ionospheric perturbations associated with 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse: Wave‐like signatures inferred from VLF observations
We present first report on the periodic wave‐like signatures (WLS) in the D region
ionosphere during 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse using JJI, Japan, very low frequency …
ionosphere during 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse using JJI, Japan, very low frequency …
A detailed investigation of low latitude tweek atmospherics observed by the WHU ELF/VLF receiver: 2. Occurrence features and associated ionospheric parameters
J Yi, XD Gu, W Cheng, XY Tang, L Chen… - Earth and planetary …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
As a companion paper to Zhou RX et al.(2020), this study describes application of the
automatic detection and analysis module to identify all the tweek atmospherics detectible in …
automatic detection and analysis module to identify all the tweek atmospherics detectible in …
Solar flares induced D-region ionospheric and geomagnetic perturbations
The D-region ionospheric perturbations caused by solar flares which occurred during
January 2010–February 2011, a low solar activity period of current solar cycle 24, have …
January 2010–February 2011, a low solar activity period of current solar cycle 24, have …
Seasonal variation of the d‐region ionosphere: Very low frequency (VLF) and machine learning models
Abstract The D‐region ionosphere (60 90 km) plays an important role in long‐range
communication and response to solar and space weather; however, it is difficult to directly …
communication and response to solar and space weather; however, it is difficult to directly …
Response of the low‐latitude D region ionosphere to extreme space weather event of 14–16 December 2006
The response of the D region low‐latitude ionosphere has been examined for extreme
space weather event of 14–16 December 2006 associated with a X1. 5 solar flare and an …
space weather event of 14–16 December 2006 associated with a X1. 5 solar flare and an …
Modeling of the lower ionosphere during solar X‐ray flares of different classes
SZ Bekker, IA Ryakhovsky… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This study presents the results obtained from modeling the lower ionosphere response to C‐
, M‐and X‐class solar X‐ray flares. This model is based on a 5‐component scheme for the …
, M‐and X‐class solar X‐ray flares. This model is based on a 5‐component scheme for the …