Scheduling malleable applications in multicluster systems

O Sonmez, H Mohamed, W Lammers… - … on Cluster Computing, 2007 -
In large-scale distributed execution environments such as multicluster systems and grids,
resource availability may vary due to resource failures and because resources may be …

Skeleton-based parallel programming: Functional and parallel semantics in a single shot

M Aldinucci, M Danelutto - Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, 2007 - Elsevier
Semantics of skeleton-based parallel programming languages comes usually as two distinct
items: a functional semantics, modeling the function computed by the skeleton program, and …

Comp superscalar: Bringing grid superscalar and gcm together

E Tejedor, RM Badia - … on Cluster Computing and the Grid …, 2008 -
This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of COMP Superscalar, a
new and componentised version of the GRID superscalar framework that enables the easy …

FastFlow: Efficient parallel streaming applications on multi-core

M Aldinucci, M Torquati, M Meneghin - arxiv preprint arxiv:0909.1187, 2009 -
Shared memory multiprocessors come back to popularity thanks to rapid spreading of
commodity multi-core architectures. As ever, shared memory programs are fairly easy to …

Components for high-performance grid programming in GRID. IT

M Aldinucci, S Campa, M Coppola, M Danelutto… - Component Models and …, 2005 - Springer
This chapter presents the main ideas of the high-performance component-based Grid
programming environment of the Grid. it project. High-performance components are …

Dynamic reconfiguration of grid-aware applications in ASSIST

M Aldinucci, A Petrocelli, E Pistoletti, M Torquati… - Euro-Par 2005 Parallel …, 2005 - Springer
Current grid-aware applications are implemented on top of low-level libraries by developers
who are experts on grid middleware architecture. This approach can hardly support the …

Two fundamental concepts in skeletal parallel programming

A Benoit, M Cole - International Conference on Computational Science, 2005 - Springer
We define the concepts of nesting mode and interaction mode as they arise in the
description of skeletal parallel programming systems. We suggest that these new concepts …

A parallel pattern for iterative stencil+ reduce

M Aldinucci, M Danelutto, M Drocco, P Kilpatrick… - The Journal of …, 2018 - Springer
We advocate the Loop-of-stencil-reduce pattern as a means of simplifying the
implementation of data-parallel programs on heterogeneous multi-core platforms. Loop-of …

Modularity for large virtual reality applications

J Allard, JD Lesage, B Raffin - Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual …, 2010 -
This paper focuses on the design of high performance VR applications. These applications
usually involve various I/O devices and complex simulations. A parallel architecture or grid …

QoS in parallel programming through application managers

M Danelutto - … Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network …, 2005 -
We present an evolution of the Lithium parallel programming environment (the muskel Java
package) that implements new features suitable for handling problems arising in typical …