Remediation of arsenic-contaminated soils by iron amendments: a review

P Miretzky, AF Cirelli - Critical Reviews in Environmental Science …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Arsenic (As) in soil is a serious environmental issue, and although As occurs naturally in
soil, anthropogenic activities have greatly increased As soil contamination. Several …

[PDF][PDF] 重金属污染土壤原位钝化修复研究进展

王立群, 罗磊, 马义兵, 韦东普, 华珞 - 应用生态学报, 2009 -
摘要重金属原位钝化技术是一种污染土壤的修复方法, 指向污染土壤添加一些活性物质(钝化
修复剂), 以降低重金属在土壤中的有效浓度或改变其氧化还原状态, 从而有效降低其迁移性 …

Release and transformation of arsenic from As-bearing iron minerals by Fe-reducing bacteria

Y Wang, X Liu, Y Si, R Wang - Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016 - Elsevier
Arsenic, a common highly-toxic pollutant, is mainly associated with the hydrous ferric oxides
in soils and minerals. A possible mechanism for arsenic mobilization is the reductive …

In situ immobilization remediation of heavy metals-contaminated soils: A review.

W Li-qun, LUO Lei, MA Yi-bing… - Yingyong Shengtai …, 2009 -
In situ immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soils by adding extraneous active
amendments has been considered as a cost-effective measure for contaminated soil …

Arsenic mobility in the amended mine tailings and its impact on soil enzyme activity

N Koo, SH Lee, JG Kim - Environmental geochemistry and health, 2012 - Springer
The objectives of this study were to elucidate the effects of soil amendments [Ferrous sulfate
(Fe II), red mud, Fe II with calcium carbonate (Fe II/L) or red mud (RM/F), zero-valent iron …

[PDF][PDF] Arsenic in the soil environment: A soil chemistry

M Aide, D Beighley, D Dunn - International Journal of Applied …, 2016 -
Arsenic in the soil environment has gained renewed interest because of the emerging
acknowledgement that arsenic accumulation in rice is a global concern. This review reflects …

Using response surface methodology to assess the effects of iron and spent mushroom substrate on arsenic phytotoxicity in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

N Koo, HJ Jo, SH Lee, JG Kim - Journal of hazardous materials, 2011 - Elsevier
The effects of iron (Fe) and spent mushroom substrate (SMS) arsenic (As) phytotoxicity
towards lettuce in artificial soils were investigated to separate the adverse soil parameters …

Evaluation of ferrihydrite as amendment to restore an arsenic-polluted mine soil

P Abad-Valle, E Álvarez-Ayuso, A Murciego - Environmental Science and …, 2015 - Springer
The effectiveness of ferrihydrite as amendment to restore the soil habitat functioning of a soil
polluted with As by mining activities was evaluated. Its influence on As mobility and …

[HTML][HTML] Phosphate induced arsenic mobilization as a potentially effective in-situ remediation technique—preliminary column tests

MV Maier, Y Wolter, D Zentler, C Scholz, CN Stirn… - Water, 2019 -
Arsenic (As) contamination of groundwater is commonly remediated by pump and treat.
However, this technique is difficult to apply or maintain efficiently because the mobility of …

Decontamination of potential toxic elements in sewaged soils by inorganic amendments

M Saber, E Hobballa, S El-Ashery… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2012 -
This study investigated the feasibility of using some natural clay minerals available in Egypt
like kaolinite, bentonite, also using of iron oxide, rock phosphate and mixture of these types …