[HTML][HTML] The diversity of participatory design research practice at PDC 2002–2012

K Halskov, NB Hansen - International journal of human-computer studies, 2015 - Elsevier
We investigate the diversity of participatory design research practice, based on a review of
ten years of participatory design research published as full research papers at the …

Socio-technical systems: a meta-design perspective

G Fischer, T Herrmann - International Journal of Sociotechnology …, 2011 - igi-global.com
Meta-design of socio-technical systems complies with the need to integrate two types of
structures and processes: technical systems, which are engineered to provide anticipatable …

[หนังสือ][B] Enterprise 2.0 2. A. Planung, Einführung und erfolgreicher Einsatz von Social Software in Unternehmen

M Koch, A Richter - 2009 - degruyter.com
Java, A.; Song, X.; Finin, T.; Tseng, B.(2007): Why we twitter: understanding microblogging
usage and communities, In: WebKDD/SNA-KDD'07: Proceedings of the 9th WebKDD and …

Computer-supported cooperative work–revisited

A Bullinger-Hoffmann, M Koch, K Möslein, A Richter - i-com, 2021 - degruyter.com
Due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and the related mandated work for home, we have seen a
massive increase of the use of collaboration tools in various work settings in the last 18 …

Systems design with the socio-technical walkthrough

T Herrmann - Handbook of research on socio-technical design and …, 2009 - igi-global.com
Socio-technical systems integrate technical and organizational structures and are related to
various stakeholders and their perspectives. The design of socio-technical systems has to …

CSCW and Enterprise 2.0-towards an integrated perspective

M Koch - 2008 - aisel.aisnet.org
In CSCW we are researching support for collaboration in work groups for several decades
now. Web 2.0 and Social Software entered this field from another starting point recently, and …

A problem-based approach to the advancement of heuristics for socio-technical evaluation

T Herrmann, I Jahnke, A Nolte - Behaviour & Information …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
With ubiquitous, mobile computing, health care systems, and smart factories, socio-technical
phenomena continue to emerge that challenge traditional design and evaluation methods …

User engagement by user-centred design in e-Health

A Sutcliffe, S Thew, O De Bruijn… - … of the Royal …, 2010 - royalsocietypublishing.org
This paper describes the application of user-centred design (UCD) methods and a user
engagement (UE) approach to a case study development of a visualization tool (ADVISES) …

Towards formalised end-user participation in information systems development process: bridging the gap between participatory design and ISD methodologies

S Pekkola, N Kaarilahti, P Pohjola - Proceedings of the ninth conference …, 2006 - dl.acm.org
Creating requirements specifications is one of the most challenging tasks in the systems
development. For a complete specification, different kinds of information are gathered. This …

[หนังสือ][B] Der Einsatz von Social Networking Services in Unternehmen

A Richter, M Koch - 2010 - Springer
Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass dieser Satz keine hohle Phrase ist, sondern nie zuvor in
solchem Ausmaß zugetroffen hat wie heute. Dies gilt nicht nur für die globalen …