Intelligent problem-solving as integrated hierarchical reinforcement learning
According to cognitive psychology and related disciplines, the development of complex
problem-solving behaviour in biological agents depends on hierarchical cognitive …
problem-solving behaviour in biological agents depends on hierarchical cognitive …
Learning by playing solving sparse reward tasks from scratch
Abstract We propose Scheduled Auxiliary Control (SAC-X), a new learning paradigm in the
context of Reinforcement Learning (RL). SAC-X enables learning of complex behaviors-from …
context of Reinforcement Learning (RL). SAC-X enables learning of complex behaviors-from …
Universal value function approximators
Value functions are a core component of reinforcement learning. The main idea is to to
construct a single function approximator V (s; theta) that estimates the long-term reward from …
construct a single function approximator V (s; theta) that estimates the long-term reward from …
The predictron: End-to-end learning and planning
One of the key challenges of artificial intelligence is to learn models that are effective in the
context of planning. In this document we introduce the predictron architecture. The …
context of planning. In this document we introduce the predictron architecture. The …
Develo** a predictive approach to knowledge
A White - 2015 -
Understanding how an artificial agent may represent, acquire, update, and use large
amounts of knowledge has long been an important research challenge in artificial …
amounts of knowledge has long been an important research challenge in artificial …
Importance resampling for off-policy prediction
Importance sampling (IS) is a common reweighting strategy for off-policy prediction in
reinforcement learning. While it is consistent and unbiased, it can result in high variance …
reinforcement learning. While it is consistent and unbiased, it can result in high variance …
MHER: Model-based hindsight experience replay
Solving multi-goal reinforcement learning (RL) problems with sparse rewards is generally
challenging. Existing approaches have utilized goal relabeling on collected experiences to …
challenging. Existing approaches have utilized goal relabeling on collected experiences to …
General value function networks
State construction is important for learning in partially observable environments. A general
purpose strategy for state construction is to learn the state update using a Recurrent Neural …
purpose strategy for state construction is to learn the state update using a Recurrent Neural …
Effectively learning initiation sets in hierarchical reinforcement learning
An agent learning an option in hierarchical reinforcement learning must solve three
problems: identify the option's subgoal (termination condition), learn a policy, and learn …
problems: identify the option's subgoal (termination condition), learn a policy, and learn …
Hierarchical principles of embodied reinforcement learning: A review
Cognitive Psychology and related disciplines have identified several critical mechanisms
that enable intelligent biological agents to learn to solve complex problems. There exists …
that enable intelligent biological agents to learn to solve complex problems. There exists …