Surface modification of titanium and titanium alloys: technologies, developments, and future interests
Thanks to a considerable number of fascinating properties, titanium (Ti) and Ti alloys play
important roles in a variety of industrial sectors. However, Ti and Ti alloys could not satisfy all …
important roles in a variety of industrial sectors. However, Ti and Ti alloys could not satisfy all …
Investigation of Advanced Oxidation Process in the Presence of TiO2 Semiconductor as Photocatalyst: Property, Principle, Kinetic Analysis, and Photocatalytic Activity
Water pollution is considered a serious threat to human life. An advanced oxidation process
in the presence of semiconductor photocatalysts is a popular method for the effective …
in the presence of semiconductor photocatalysts is a popular method for the effective …
Doped TiO 2: the effect of do** elements on photocatalytic activity
A Khlyustova, N Sirotkin, T Kusova, A Kraev… - Materials …, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Do** of TiO2 with various elements increases its photocatalytic activity due to the
formation of new energy levels near the conduction band. Photocatalysis involving titanium …
formation of new energy levels near the conduction band. Photocatalysis involving titanium …
Sb2S3 solar cells
R Kondrotas, C Chen, J Tang - Joule, 2018 - cell.com
Power generated from sustainable and environmentally benign solar cell technologies is
one of the key aspects in the development of clean renewable energy. Earth-abundant and …
one of the key aspects in the development of clean renewable energy. Earth-abundant and …
Bismuth-rich bismuth oxyhalides for environmental and energy photocatalysis
X **, L Ye, H **e, G Chen - Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
Compared to bismuth oxyhalides (BiOX; X= Cl, Br and I), bismuth-rich bismuth oxyhalides
(Bi x O y X z; X= Cl, Br and I) possess higher stabilization and more suitable band structure …
(Bi x O y X z; X= Cl, Br and I) possess higher stabilization and more suitable band structure …
Bismuth oxyhalides: synthesis, structure and photoelectrochemical activity
We report the synthesis and photoelectrochemical assessment of phase pure tetragonal
matlockite structured BiOX (where X= Cl, Br, I) films. The materials were deposited using …
matlockite structured BiOX (where X= Cl, Br, I) films. The materials were deposited using …
Oxidation-driven auto-conversion of Ti3C2Tx MXene to TiO2 nanoparticles for photocatalytic applications
Abstract Ti 3 C 2 T x MXene, a recently discovered 2D material, possesses unique
properties; however, its lack of stability against oxidation poses a significant challenge to its …
properties; however, its lack of stability against oxidation poses a significant challenge to its …
A review of transition metal‐based bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts
Electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices play a key role in the development
of clean, sustainable, and efficient energy systems to meet the sustainable growth of our …
of clean, sustainable, and efficient energy systems to meet the sustainable growth of our …
Exploring the photocatalytic conversion mechanism of gaseous formaldehyde degradation on TiO2–x-OV surface
To understand the conversion mechanism of photocatalytic gaseous formaldehyde (HCHO)
degradation, strontium (Sr)-doped TiO 2–x–OV catalysts was designed and synthesized in …
degradation, strontium (Sr)-doped TiO 2–x–OV catalysts was designed and synthesized in …
Catalytic combustion of chlorinated aromatics over WOx/CeO2 catalysts at low temperature
Y Gu, T Cai, X Gao, H **a, W Sun, J Zhao, Q Dai… - Applied Catalysis B …, 2019 - Elsevier
WO x/CeO 2 catalysts prepared by wet impregnation with (NH 4) 6 H 2 W 12 O 40 and
(COOH) 2 aqueous solution were used in the catalytic combustion of chlorobenzene (CB) …
(COOH) 2 aqueous solution were used in the catalytic combustion of chlorobenzene (CB) …