Work life balance-A review of theories, definitions and policies
Work-life balance as a concept encompasses different formulations, theories, policies, and
practices. The literature on the work-life balance presents a great deal of diversity. This …
practices. The literature on the work-life balance presents a great deal of diversity. This …
Being stressed in the family or married with work? A literature review and clustering of work-family conflict
Purpose Work-family conflict is an important topic which had an evolution, starting from a
static definition, where work and family domains were divided, to a more dynamic and …
static definition, where work and family domains were divided, to a more dynamic and …
Examining staff and faculty work–life balance and well-being using the dual continua model of mental health during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic created work–life balance, mental health, and well-being
challenges for higher education employees, both initially and years later. We investigated …
challenges for higher education employees, both initially and years later. We investigated …
Assessing the cognitive component of subjective well-being: Revisiting the satisfaction with life scale with classical test theory and item response theory
Life satisfaction is generally regarded as the cognitive component of subjective well-being,
as opposed to positive and negative affect, which are regarded as the affective components …
as opposed to positive and negative affect, which are regarded as the affective components …
Relations between work-life conflict, job satisfaction and life satisfaction among higher education lecturers
Research Question: The central research objective of this study was the empirical
examination of the relationships between the construct of work-life conflict in terms of life …
examination of the relationships between the construct of work-life conflict in terms of life …
Job satisfaction and creativity at work among occupational therapy practitioners: A mixed-methods study
A Oven, B Domajnko - Work, 2021 -
BACKGROUND: Creativity is essential to the work of occupational therapy practitioners.
Nonetheless, little is known about the way it influences their work satisfaction. OBJECTIVE …
Nonetheless, little is known about the way it influences their work satisfaction. OBJECTIVE …
The role of work-family conflict in mediating the influence of social support on the psychological well-being of career women
As time progresses, the participation of women in the workforce is no longer considered
taboo. Psychological well-being has become a focal point for experts due to its crucial role …
taboo. Psychological well-being has become a focal point for experts due to its crucial role …
Dimensions of Transformational Leadership as Predictors of Employee Creativity: The Moderating Role of Job Satisfaction
SR Guillory - 2023 -
The aim of this research was to determine whether the dimensions of transformational
leadership predicted employee creativity, as well as whether job satisfaction strengthened …
leadership predicted employee creativity, as well as whether job satisfaction strengthened …
The Effect of Work-Family Conflict and Emotional Intelligence on Working Women's Psychological Well-Being
X Bian, M Liu, MSM Sukor - Asian Journal of Research in …, 2024 -
This systematic literature review examines the intricate relationship among work-family
conflict, emotional intelligence, and the psychological well-being of women in the workforce …
conflict, emotional intelligence, and the psychological well-being of women in the workforce …
[ספר][B] Job Satisfaction and Well-Being in Clergy: A Quantitative Correlational Study
IJ Mudge - 2021 -
The purpose of this quantitative, correlational study was to determine if, and to what extent,
psychological capital significantly mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and …
psychological capital significantly mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and …