[HTML][HTML] The emergence of AI-based wearable sensors for digital health technology: a review
Disease diagnosis and monitoring using conventional healthcare services is typically
expensive and has limited accuracy. Wearable health technology based on flexible …
expensive and has limited accuracy. Wearable health technology based on flexible …
[HTML][HTML] Adoption of artificial intelligence in smart cities: A comprehensive review
Recently, the population density in cities has increased at a higher pace. According to the
United Nations Population Fund, cities accommodated 3.3 billion people (54%) of the global …
United Nations Population Fund, cities accommodated 3.3 billion people (54%) of the global …
[Retracted] Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)‐Based Smart Healthcare System: Trends and Progress
Internet of Medical Thing (IoMT) is the most emerging era of the Internet of Thing (IoT), which
is exponentially gaining researchers' attention with every passing day because of its wide …
is exponentially gaining researchers' attention with every passing day because of its wide …
Federated learning for privacy preservation in smart healthcare systems: A comprehensive survey
Recent advances in electronic devices and communication infrastructure have
revolutionized the traditional healthcare system into a smart healthcare system by using …
revolutionized the traditional healthcare system into a smart healthcare system by using …
Managing security of healthcare data for a modern healthcare system
The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have recently created
previously unimaginable opportunities for boosting clinical and patient services, reducing …
previously unimaginable opportunities for boosting clinical and patient services, reducing …
Healthcare predictive analytics using machine learning and deep learning techniques: a survey
Healthcare prediction has been a significant factor in saving lives in recent years. In the
domain of health care, there is a rapid development of intelligent systems for analyzing …
domain of health care, there is a rapid development of intelligent systems for analyzing …
Smart data processing for energy harvesting systems using artificial intelligence
Recent substantial advancements in computational techniques, particularly in artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), have raised the demand for smart self-powered …
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), have raised the demand for smart self-powered …
[HTML][HTML] Security of blockchain and AI-empowered smart healthcare: application-based analysis
A smart device carries a great amount of sensitive patient data as it offers innovative and
enhanced functionalities in the smart healthcare system. Moreover, the components of …
enhanced functionalities in the smart healthcare system. Moreover, the components of …
Predictive intelligence for healthcare outcomes: An ai architecture overview
This research aims to analyze the continuous structure involved in develo** Artificial
Intelligence (AI)-based healthcare systems to ensure sustainable outcomes. A comparison is …
Intelligence (AI)-based healthcare systems to ensure sustainable outcomes. A comparison is …
Healthcare 4.0: recent advancements and futuristic research directions
Abstract In recent years, Healthcare 4.0, the fourth healthcare revolution, has piqued the
interest of numerous researchers around the world. Healthcare 4.0 is a relatively new term …
interest of numerous researchers around the world. Healthcare 4.0 is a relatively new term …