[HTML][HTML] An evolutionary fake news detection method for covid-19 pandemic information
As the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly spreads across the world, regrettably, misinformation
and fake news related to COVID-19 have also spread remarkably. Such misinformation has …
and fake news related to COVID-19 have also spread remarkably. Such misinformation has …
A heuristic-driven uncertainty based ensemble framework for fake news detection in tweets and news articles
The significance of social media has increased manifold in the past few decades as it helps
people from even the most remote corners of the world to stay connected. With the advent of …
people from even the most remote corners of the world to stay connected. With the advent of …
Topic modeling and sentiment analysis of online education in the COVID-19 era using social networks based datasets
Sentiment Analysis (SA) is a technique to study people's attitudes related to textual data
generated from sources like Twitter. This study suggested a powerful and effective technique …
generated from sources like Twitter. This study suggested a powerful and effective technique …
[PDF][PDF] Explainable Text Classification Model for COVID-19 Fake News Detection.
Artificial intelligence has achieved notable advances across many applications, and the field
is recently concerned with develo** novel methods to explain machine learning models …
is recently concerned with develo** novel methods to explain machine learning models …
Selective feature sets based fake news detection for COVID-19 to manage infodemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the spread of fake news became easy due to the wide use
of social media platforms. Considering the problematic consequences of fake news, efforts …
of social media platforms. Considering the problematic consequences of fake news, efforts …
A deep attentive multimodal learning approach for disaster identification from social media posts
Microblogging platforms such as Twitter have become indispensable for disseminating
valuable information, especially at times of natural and man-made disasters. Often people …
valuable information, especially at times of natural and man-made disasters. Often people …
Classification of textual sentiment using ensemble technique
In recent years, the widespread use of the Internet has resulted in a revolutionary way for
people to share their feelings or sentiment on blogs, social media, e-commerce sites, and …
people to share their feelings or sentiment on blogs, social media, e-commerce sites, and …
Cuet_nlp_manning@ lt-edi 2024: Transformer-based approach on caste and migration hate speech detection
The widespread use of online communication has caused a significant increase in the
spread of hate speech on social media. However, there are also hate crimes based on caste …
spread of hate speech on social media. However, there are also hate crimes based on caste …
[HTML][HTML] Identification of multilingual offense and troll from social media memes using weighted ensemble of multimodal features
In recent years, memes have become a common medium of promulgating offensive views by
the content polluters in social media. Due to their multimodal nature, memes can easily …
the content polluters in social media. Due to their multimodal nature, memes can easily …
Social media's sway: how social comparison on social media stimulates impulse travelling; serial mediation study on Indian millennials tourists
Purpose The study explores the impact of social media-induced social comparison on
impulse travelling, drawing upon social comparison theory. It thoroughly examines the …
impulse travelling, drawing upon social comparison theory. It thoroughly examines the …