Climate change risks to global forest health: emergence of unexpected events of elevated tree mortality worldwide
Recent observations of elevated tree mortality following climate extremes, like heat and
drought, raise concerns about climate change risks to global forest health. We currently lack …
drought, raise concerns about climate change risks to global forest health. We currently lack …
Climate-driven risks to the climate mitigation potential of forests
WRL Anderegg, AT Trugman, G Badgley… - Science, 2020 - science.org
BACKGROUND Forests have considerable potential to help mitigate human-caused climate
change and provide society with a broad range of cobenefits. Local, national, and …
change and provide society with a broad range of cobenefits. Local, national, and …
Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic
DM Bergstrom, BC Wienecke… - Global Change …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Globally, collapse of ecosystems—potentially irreversible change to ecosystem structure,
composition and function—imperils biodiversity, human health and well‐being. We examine …
composition and function—imperils biodiversity, human health and well‐being. We examine …
Meta-analysis reveals less sensitivity of non-native animals than natives to extreme weather worldwide
Extreme weather events (EWEs; for example, heatwaves, cold spells, storms, floods and
droughts) and non-native species invasions are two major threats to global biodiversity and …
droughts) and non-native species invasions are two major threats to global biodiversity and …
Terrestrial and inland water systems
The topics assessed in this chapter were last assessed by the IPCC in 2007, principally in
WGII AR4 Chapters 3 (Kundzewicz et al., 2007) and 4 (Fischlin et al., 2007), but also in WGII …
WGII AR4 Chapters 3 (Kundzewicz et al., 2007) and 4 (Fischlin et al., 2007), but also in WGII …
A synthesis of tree functional traits related to drought‐induced mortality in forests across climatic zones
Forest dieback caused by drought‐induced tree mortality has been observed world‐wide.
Forecasting which trees in which locations are vulnerable to drought‐induced mortality is …
Forecasting which trees in which locations are vulnerable to drought‐induced mortality is …
Impacts of recent climate change on terrestrial flora and fauna: Some emerging Australian examples
The effects of anthropogenic climate change on biodiversity are well known for some high‐
profile Australian marine systems, including coral bleaching and kelp forest devastation …
profile Australian marine systems, including coral bleaching and kelp forest devastation …
Forest resilience and tip** points at different spatio‐temporal scales: approaches and challenges
Anthropogenic global change compromises forest resilience, with profound impacts to
ecosystem functions and services. This synthesis paper reflects on the current …
ecosystem functions and services. This synthesis paper reflects on the current …
Is the loss of A ustralian digging mammals contributing to a deterioration in ecosystem function?
PA Fleming, H Anderson, AS Prendergast… - Mammal …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Despite once being described as common, digging mammal species have been lost from
the Australian landscape over the last 200 years. Around half of digging mammal species …
the Australian landscape over the last 200 years. Around half of digging mammal species …
Living on the edge: A continental‐scale assessment of forest vulnerability to drought
Globally, forests are facing an increasing risk of mass tree mortality events associated with
extreme droughts and higher temperatures. Hydraulic dysfunction is considered a key …
extreme droughts and higher temperatures. Hydraulic dysfunction is considered a key …