Hybrid Carbonates: in situ abiotic, microbial and skeletal co-precipitates
R Riding, A Virgone - Earth-Science Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Abiotic, Bioinduced and Biocontrolled carbonates are process-based sediment
categories. They successively reflect increasing levels of biotic control over carbonate …
categories. They successively reflect increasing levels of biotic control over carbonate …
Evolutionary synchrony of Earth's biosphere and sedimentary-stratigraphic record
The landscapes and seascapes of Earth's surface provide the theatre for life, but to what
extent did the actors build the stage? The role of life in the long-term sha** of the …
extent did the actors build the stage? The role of life in the long-term sha** of the …
The triassic period
The Triassic is bound by two mass extinctions that coincide with vast outpourings of volcanic
flood basalts. The Mesozoic begins with a gradual recovery of plant and animal life after the …
flood basalts. The Mesozoic begins with a gradual recovery of plant and animal life after the …
Connectivity of organic matter pores in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale, Sichuan Basin, Southern China: Analyses from helium ion microscope and …
As one of the most important energy sources in the world today, shale gas has attracted
extensive research. Numerous scholars agreed that the organic matter (OM) pores in shale …
extensive research. Numerous scholars agreed that the organic matter (OM) pores in shale …
Permeability's response to dolomitization, clues from Permian–Triassic reservoirs of the central Persian Gulf
V Tavakoli - Marine and petroleum Geology, 2021 - Elsevier
Understanding the pattern of spatial permeability distribution in carbonate reservoirs
strongly depends on its relationships to geological factors. Despite this importance, the …
strongly depends on its relationships to geological factors. Despite this importance, the …
Microbialite development through the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition in China: distribution, characteristics, and paleoceanographic implications
Widespread development of microbialites harbors a series of clues about microbial activity,
environmental condition, and aquatic chemistry. The Ediacaran-Cambrian transition draws …
environmental condition, and aquatic chemistry. The Ediacaran-Cambrian transition draws …
Deep Dive into the factors influencing acoustic velocity in the Dalan-Kangan formations, the central Persian Gulf
The propagation of acoustic waves in rocks is directly influenced by the rocks' elastic
properties. To evaluate petrophysical properties from acoustic data, it is essential to …
properties. To evaluate petrophysical properties from acoustic data, it is essential to …
Linkage of the late Cambrian microbe-metazoan transition (MMT) to shallow-marine oxygenation during the SPICE event
Abstract Microbe-metazoan transitions (MMTs), representing a switch from microbe-
mediated to metazoan-mediated carbonate production, have been linked to major changes …
mediated to metazoan-mediated carbonate production, have been linked to major changes …
Microbial blooms triggered pyrite framboid enrichment and oxygen depletion in carbonate platforms immediately after the latest Permian extinction
Redox variations across the Permian‐Triassic boundary (PTB) have long been debated,
especially during the proliferation of PTB microbialites. Here, we report redox fluctuations …
especially during the proliferation of PTB microbialites. Here, we report redox fluctuations …
High-temperature combustion event spanning the Guadalupian− Lo**ian boundary terminated by soil erosion
A major bio-crisis in the Guadalupian− Lo**ian transition (Capitanian− Wuchia**ian,
middle− late Permian), possibly driven by the volatile eruption of the Emeishan large …
middle− late Permian), possibly driven by the volatile eruption of the Emeishan large …