Characterization of plant accumulation of pharmaceuticals from soils with their concentration in soil pore water
Predicting plant uptake of pharmaceuticals from soils is very challenging because many
pharmaceuticals are ionizable compounds, which experience highly variable …
pharmaceuticals are ionizable compounds, which experience highly variable …
Insight into the distribution of pharmaceuticals in soil-water-plant systems
Pharmaceuticals in agricultural soils originating from irrigation with treated wastewater and
land-applied biosolids can enter field crops. However, little is known about the role of pore …
land-applied biosolids can enter field crops. However, little is known about the role of pore …
Mechanistic study on uptake and transport of pharmaceuticals in lettuce from water
The dissemination of pharmaceuticals in agroecosystems originating from land application
of animal manure/sewage sludge and irrigation with treated wastewater in agricultural …
of animal manure/sewage sludge and irrigation with treated wastewater in agricultural …
Risk assessment of contaminants of emerging concern in the context of wastewater reuse for irrigation: An integrated modelling approach
Direct reuse of reclaimed wastewater (RWW) in agriculture has recently received increasing
attention as a possible solution to water scarcity. The presence of contaminants of emerging …
attention as a possible solution to water scarcity. The presence of contaminants of emerging …
Occurrence and dietary risk assessment of 37 pesticides in wheat fields in the suburbs of Bei**g, China
Y Tao, C Jia, J **g, J Zhang, P Yu, M He, J Wu, L Chen… - Food Chemistry, 2021 - Elsevier
The co-occurrence of multiple pesticides in wheat fields adversely affects human health and
the environment. Herein, 206 pairs of wheat and soil samples were collected from wheat …
the environment. Herein, 206 pairs of wheat and soil samples were collected from wheat …
Uptake, translocation, and biotransformation of neonicotinoid imidaclothiz in hydroponic vegetables: implications for potential intake risks
Y Tao, C Jia, J **g, M Zhao, P Yu, M He… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2021 - ACS Publications
Imidaclothiz is a novel and systemic neonicotinoid pesticide with excellent insecticidal
efficacy. However, knowledge of its uptake, translocation, and biotransformation within …
efficacy. However, knowledge of its uptake, translocation, and biotransformation within …
Paracetamol ecotoxicological bioassay using the bioindicators Lens culinaris Med. and Pisum sativum L
SAS Mercado, DGV Galvis - Environmental Science and Pollution …, 2023 - Springer
Paracetamol is one of the most widely used drugs worldwide, yet its environmental presence
and hazardous impact on non-target organisms could rapidly increase. In this study, the …
and hazardous impact on non-target organisms could rapidly increase. In this study, the …
Insights into mechanisms involved in the uptake, translocation, and metabolism of phthalate esters in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa var. chinensis)
Z Cheng, Y Wang, B Qiao, Q Zhang, H Sun - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
In the present study, the uptake and translocation mechanisms of phthalate esters (PAEs)
and their primary mono esters metabolites (mPAEs), and the mechanisms of PAEs …
and their primary mono esters metabolites (mPAEs), and the mechanisms of PAEs …
Metabolism of pharmaceuticals in plants and their associated microbiota
A Sauvêtre, P Eichhorn, S Pérez - … and Fate of Pharmaceuticals in Soil …, 2021 - Springer
With the increasing use of wastewater for irrigation of farmland, and thus the potential uptake
and translocation of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in crops, concerns about food …
and translocation of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in crops, concerns about food …
Selective accumulation of pharmaceutical residues from 6 different soils by plants: a comparative study on onion, radish, and spinach
SPM Menacherry, R Kodešová, H Švecová… - … Science and Pollution …, 2023 - Springer
The accumulation of six pharmaceuticals of different therapeutic uses has been thoroughly
investigated and compared between onion, spinach, and radish plants grown in six soil …
investigated and compared between onion, spinach, and radish plants grown in six soil …