Social robotics
This chapter surveys some of the principal research trends in Social Robotics and its
application to human–robot interaction (HRI). Social (or Sociable) robots are designed to …
application to human–robot interaction (HRI). Social (or Sociable) robots are designed to …
Human–robot interaction: a survey
Abstract Human–Robot Interaction (HRI) has recently received considerable attention in the
academic community, in labs, in technology companies, and through the media. Because of …
academic community, in labs, in technology companies, and through the media. Because of …
Teleoperation and beyond for assistive humanoid robots
In this review, we explore how teleoperation could potentially be applied to the management
of humanoid robots, with an emphasis on humanoid robots that are used in assistive roles …
of humanoid robots, with an emphasis on humanoid robots that are used in assistive roles …
Act-r/e: An embodied cognitive architecture for human-robot interaction
We present ACT-R/E (Adaptive Character of Thought-Rational/Embodied), a cognitive
architecture for human-robot interaction. Our reason for using ACT-R/E is two-fold. First, ACT …
architecture for human-robot interaction. Our reason for using ACT-R/E is two-fold. First, ACT …
Enabling effective human-robot interaction using perspective-taking in robots
JG Trafton, NL Cassimatis, MD Bugajska… - … on Systems, Man …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We propose that an important aspect of human-robot interaction is perspective-taking. We
show how perspective-taking occurs in a naturalistic environment (astronauts working on a …
show how perspective-taking occurs in a naturalistic environment (astronauts working on a …
Behavioral and neural correlates of hide-and-seek in rats
Evolutionary, cognitive, and neural underpinnings of mammalian play are not yet fully
elucidated. We played hide-and-seek, an elaborate role-play game, with rats. We did not …
elucidated. We played hide-and-seek, an elaborate role-play game, with rats. We did not …
My robotic doppelgänger-A critical look at the uncanny valley
The Uncanny Valley hypothesis has been widely used in the areas of computer graphics
and human-robot interaction to motivate research and to explain the negative impressions …
and human-robot interaction to motivate research and to explain the negative impressions …
[SÁCH][B] Human-robot interaction in social robotics
T Kanda, H Ishiguro - 2017 - books.google.com
Human–Robot Interaction in Social Robotics explores important issues in designing a robot
system that works with people in everyday environments. Edited by leading figures in the …
system that works with people in everyday environments. Edited by leading figures in the …
Android as a telecommunication medium with a human-like presence
In this research, we realize human telepresence by develo** a remote-controlled android
system called Geminoid HI-1. Experimental results confirm that participants felt stronger …
system called Geminoid HI-1. Experimental results confirm that participants felt stronger …
The oz of wizard: simulating the human for interaction research
The Wizard of Oz experiment method has a long tradition of acceptance and use within the
field of human-robot interaction. The community has traditionally downplayed the …
field of human-robot interaction. The community has traditionally downplayed the …