Social robotics

C Breazeal, K Dautenhahn, T Kanda - Springer handbook of robotics, 2016 - Springer
This chapter surveys some of the principal research trends in Social Robotics and its
application to human–robot interaction (HRI). Social (or Sociable) robots are designed to …

Human–robot interaction: a survey

MA Goodrich, AC Schultz - Foundations and trends® in …, 2008 -
Abstract Human–Robot Interaction (HRI) has recently received considerable attention in the
academic community, in labs, in technology companies, and through the media. Because of …

Teleoperation and beyond for assistive humanoid robots

MA Goodrich, JW Crandall… - Reviews of Human …, 2013 -
In this review, we explore how teleoperation could potentially be applied to the management
of humanoid robots, with an emphasis on humanoid robots that are used in assistive roles …

Act-r/e: An embodied cognitive architecture for human-robot interaction

JG Trafton, LM Hiatt, AM Harrison… - Journal of Human …, 2013 -
We present ACT-R/E (Adaptive Character of Thought-Rational/Embodied), a cognitive
architecture for human-robot interaction. Our reason for using ACT-R/E is two-fold. First, ACT …

Enabling effective human-robot interaction using perspective-taking in robots

JG Trafton, NL Cassimatis, MD Bugajska… - … on Systems, Man …, 2005 -
We propose that an important aspect of human-robot interaction is perspective-taking. We
show how perspective-taking occurs in a naturalistic environment (astronauts working on a …

Behavioral and neural correlates of hide-and-seek in rats

AS Reinhold, JI Sanguinetti-Scheck, K Hartmann… - Science, 2019 -
Evolutionary, cognitive, and neural underpinnings of mammalian play are not yet fully
elucidated. We played hide-and-seek, an elaborate role-play game, with rats. We did not …

My robotic doppelgänger-A critical look at the uncanny valley

C Bartneck, T Kanda, H Ishiguro… - RO-MAN 2009-The 18th …, 2009 -
The Uncanny Valley hypothesis has been widely used in the areas of computer graphics
and human-robot interaction to motivate research and to explain the negative impressions …

[SÁCH][B] Human-robot interaction in social robotics

T Kanda, H Ishiguro - 2017 -
Human–Robot Interaction in Social Robotics explores important issues in designing a robot
system that works with people in everyday environments. Edited by leading figures in the …

Android as a telecommunication medium with a human-like presence

D Sakamoto, T Kanda, T Ono, H Ishiguro… - Proceedings of the ACM …, 2007 -
In this research, we realize human telepresence by develo** a remote-controlled android
system called Geminoid HI-1. Experimental results confirm that participants felt stronger …

The oz of wizard: simulating the human for interaction research

A Steinfeld, OC Jenkins, B Scassellati - Proceedings of the 4th ACM …, 2009 -
The Wizard of Oz experiment method has a long tradition of acceptance and use within the
field of human-robot interaction. The community has traditionally downplayed the …