Subdivision surfaces for CAD—an overview

W Ma - Computer-Aided Design, 2005 - Elsevier
Subdivision surfaces refer to a class of modelling schemes that define an object through
recursive subdivision starting from an initial control mesh. Similar to B-splines, the final …

Recent progress in subdivision: a survey

M Sabin - Advances in multiresolution for geometric modelling, 2005 - Springer
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Multiresolution for curves and surfaces based on constraining wavelets

L Olsen, FF Samavati, RH Bartels - Computers & Graphics, 2007 - Elsevier
We present a novel method for determining local multiresolution filters for a broad range of
subdivision schemes. Our approach is based on constraining the wavelet coefficients such …

Smooth reverse loop and Catmull–Clark subdivision

J Sadeghi, FF Samavati - Graphical Models, 2011 - Elsevier
In this paper we present a new multiresolution technique for general topology surfaces
based on reversing subdivision with energy minimization. We first introduce a general …

Unlifted loop subdivision wavelets

D Li, K Qin, H Sun - … Graphics and Applications, 2004. PG 2004 …, 2004 -
In this paper, we propose a new wavelet scheme for loop subdivision surfaces. The main
idea enabling our wavelet construction is to extend the subdivision rules to be invertible …

Efficient wavelet construction with Catmull–Clark subdivision

H Wang, K Qin, K Tang - The Visual Computer, 2006 - Springer
This paper presents an efficient biorthogonal wavelet construction with the generalized
Catmull–Clark subdivision based on the lifting scheme. The subdivision wavelet …

Reverse catmull-clark subdivision

S Lanquetin - 2006 -
Reverse subdivision consists in constructing a coarse mesh of a model from a finer mesh of
this same model. In this paper, we give formulas for reverse Catmull-Clark subdivision …

√ 3-subdivision-based biorthogonal wavelets

H Wang, K Qin, H Sun - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and …, 2007 -
A new efficient biorthogonal wavelet analysis based on the radic3 subdivision is proposed in
the paper by using the lifting scheme. Since the radic3 subdivision is of the slowest …

Progressive meshes transmission over a wired-to-wireless network

X Luo, G Zheng - Wireless Networks, 2008 - Springer
The evolution of mobile network and the popularization of mobile devices; the demand for
multimedia services and 3D graphics applications on limited resource devices is more …

Reverse subdivision

MF Hassan, NA Dodgson - Advances in multiresolution for geometric …, 2005 - Springer
Reverse Subdivision Page 1 Reverse Subdivision Mohamed F. Hassan and Neil A. Dodgson
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK {mfh20|nad} Summary. We …