[HTML][HTML] Making sustainable aluminum by recycling scrap: The science of “dirty” alloys
There are several facets of aluminum when it comes to sustainability. While it helps to save
fuel due to its low density, producing it from ores is very energy-intensive. Recycling it shifts …
fuel due to its low density, producing it from ores is very energy-intensive. Recycling it shifts …
Clustering in age‐hardenable aluminum alloys
P Dumitraschkewitz, SSA Gerstl… - Advanced …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This review gives an overview of the effects of clusters in various aluminum alloys.
Characterization methods are discussed in general and results for the important AlMgSi …
Characterization methods are discussed in general and results for the important AlMgSi …
Hardening of Al–Mg–Si alloys: Effect of trace elements and prolonged natural aging
M Werinos, H Antrekowitsch, T Ebner, R Prillhofer… - Materials & …, 2016 - Elsevier
This study first provides a concise review of natural aging in Al–Mg–Si alloys and its effect
on artificial aging. The second part investigates prolonged natural aging at different …
on artificial aging. The second part investigates prolonged natural aging at different …
Natural aging behaviors of Al-Cu-Li alloy: PLC effect, properties and microstructure evolution
CH Wu, H Li, TJ Bian, C Lei, LW Zhang - Materials Characterization, 2022 - Elsevier
To facilitate the processing and manufacturing of heat-treatable aluminum alloy
components, the initial temper of the billet material is usually adjusted to the as-quenched …
components, the initial temper of the billet material is usually adjusted to the as-quenched …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of different homogenization heat treatments on the microstructure and hot flow stress of the aluminum alloy AA6082
AR Arnoldt, A Schiffl, HW Höppel… - Materials …, 2022 - Elsevier
Proper design of the homogenization heat treatment of 6000 series Al wrought alloys is
crucial for processes such as hot rolling and extrusion. Important aspects are the …
crucial for processes such as hot rolling and extrusion. Important aspects are the …
Review of the quench sensitivity of aluminium alloys: analysis of the kinetics and nature of quench-induced precipitation
For aluminium alloys, precipitation strengthening is controlled by age-hardening heat
treatments, including solution treatment, quenching, and ageing. In terms of technological …
treatments, including solution treatment, quenching, and ageing. In terms of technological …
[HTML][HTML] Quantified effect of quench rate on the microstructures and mechanical properties of an Al–Mg–Si alloy
M Yang, Z Ruan, H Lin, K Li, M Yang, Z Wang… - Journal of Materials …, 2023 - Elsevier
It is well known that lower quench rate leads to the formation of precipitate free zones (PFZs)
adjacent to grain boundaries in aging hardening materials such as Al–Mg–Si alloys …
adjacent to grain boundaries in aging hardening materials such as Al–Mg–Si alloys …
Low-alloy-correlated reversal of the precipitation sequence in Al-Mg-Si alloys
YX Lai, BC Jiang, CH Liu, ZK Chen, CL Wu… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2017 - Elsevier
As commonly known, upon ageing at 180° C or above, the precipitation sequence in Al-Mg-
Si alloys shall be (roughly) as follows: supersaturated solid solution→ β ″→ β'(/B'/U2) …
Si alloys shall be (roughly) as follows: supersaturated solid solution→ β ″→ β'(/B'/U2) …
[HTML][HTML] The role of quench rate on the plastic flow and fracture of three aluminium alloys with different grain structure and texture
The yielding, plastic flow and fracture of age hardenable aluminium alloys depend on the
quench rate to room temperature after the solution heat-treatment at elevated temperature …
quench rate to room temperature after the solution heat-treatment at elevated temperature …
Precipitation strengthening mechanisms during natural ageing and subsequent artificial aging in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy
Abstract An Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy was water quenched after solute heat treatment at 540℃ for 1
h, followed by natural aging and subsequent artificial aging. The hardness measurement …
h, followed by natural aging and subsequent artificial aging. The hardness measurement …