The generational and institutional sources of the global decline in voter turnout
Why has voter turnout declined in democracies all over the world? This article draws on
findings from microlevel studies and theorizes two explanations: generational change and a …
findings from microlevel studies and theorizes two explanations: generational change and a …
Winning, losing, and the quality of democracy
Citizens who voted for a party that won the election are more satisfied with democracy than
those who did not. This winner–loser gap has recently been found to vary with the quality of …
those who did not. This winner–loser gap has recently been found to vary with the quality of …
Satisfaction with democracy: a review of a major public opinion indicator
Satisfaction with democracy (SWD) is one of the most commonly studied topics in the fields
of political behavior and public opinion. Gauged with a survey question that asks …
of political behavior and public opinion. Gauged with a survey question that asks …
Satisfaction With Democracy: When Government by the People Brings Electoral Losers and Winners Together
L Leemann… - Comparative Political …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
The last decade has witnessed the rise of populist parties and a number of actors that
question liberal democracy. Many explanations of this rely on dissatisfied citizens. We ask in …
question liberal democracy. Many explanations of this rely on dissatisfied citizens. We ask in …
What makes people believe that their party won the election?
This paper uses an original question to investigate voters' own evaluations of whether the
party they voted for won or lost the election. We examine which aspect of the party's electoral …
party they voted for won or lost the election. We examine which aspect of the party's electoral …
[หนังสือ][B] Elections and satisfaction with democracy: Citizens, processes and outcomes
Satisfaction with democracy is a vastly studied research topic. In this Element, the authors
aim to make sense of this context by showing that elections (electoral processes and …
aim to make sense of this context by showing that elections (electoral processes and …
Increasing demand for fact-checking
Fact-checks successfully persuade people to reject misinformation, but people who are
exposed to misinformation rarely read fact-checks. This makes increasing the demand for …
exposed to misinformation rarely read fact-checks. This makes increasing the demand for …
[หนังสือ][B] Beyond turnout: How compulsory voting shapes citizens and political parties
SP Singh - 2021 - books.google.com
Compulsory voting is widely used in the democratic world, and it is well established that it
increases electoral participation. Beyond Turnout: How Compulsory Voting Shapes Citizens …
increases electoral participation. Beyond Turnout: How Compulsory Voting Shapes Citizens …
The party choice set and satisfaction with democracy
A well-functioning democracy requires citizens' support for its political institutions and
procedures. While scholars have previously studied the role of contextual factors for …
procedures. While scholars have previously studied the role of contextual factors for …
Does voting have upstream and downstream consequences? Regression discontinuity tests of the transformative voting hypothesis
Voting is a central pillar of political science research; indeed, scholars have long addressed
questions like,“Who votes?,”“Why do people vote?,” and “What interventions increase …
questions like,“Who votes?,”“Why do people vote?,” and “What interventions increase …