The commons
Commons—resources used or governed by groups of heterogeneous users through agreed-
upon institutional arrangements—are the subject of one of the more successful research …
upon institutional arrangements—are the subject of one of the more successful research …
Motivation crowding by economic incentives in conservation policy: A review of the empirical evidence
The paper seeks to advance our understanding of the extent to which the use of economic
incentives can undermine (“crowd out”) or reinforce (“crowd in”) people's intrinsic …
incentives can undermine (“crowd out”) or reinforce (“crowd in”) people's intrinsic …
Economic incentives and social preferences: substitutes or complements?
Explicit economic incentives designed to increase contributions to public goods and to
promote other pro-social behavior sometimes are counterproductive or less effective than …
promote other pro-social behavior sometimes are counterproductive or less effective than …
Collective action dynamics under external rewards: experimental insights from Andean farming communities
This paper explores the potential effects of external reward systems on conservation
behavior by accounting for their interactions with patterns of collective action. In order to …
behavior by accounting for their interactions with patterns of collective action. In order to …
Environmental policy theory given bounded rationality and other-regarding preferences
Established environmental policy theory is based on the assumption of homo economicus.
This means that people are seen as fully rational and acting in a self-regarding manner. In …
This means that people are seen as fully rational and acting in a self-regarding manner. In …
The challenge of understanding decisions in experimental studies of common pool resource governance
Common pool resource experiments in the laboratory and the field have provided insights
that have contrasted to those derived from conventional non-cooperative game theory …
that have contrasted to those derived from conventional non-cooperative game theory …
Social preferences and public economics: Mechanism design when social preferences depend on incentives
Social preferences such as altruism, reciprocity, intrinsic motivation and a desire to uphold
ethical norms are essential to good government, often facilitating socially desirable …
ethical norms are essential to good government, often facilitating socially desirable …
[КНИГА][B] Building trust to solve commons dilemmas: Taking small steps to test an evolving theory of collective action
E Ostrom - 2009 - Springer
Extensive field research has found that when users of a resource do gain good feedback
about the effect of their actions on a resource and can build norms of reciprocity and …
about the effect of their actions on a resource and can build norms of reciprocity and …
Dynamics of rules and resources: three new field experiments on water, forests and fisheries
The last few decades have witnessed an increase in the use of experiments for the study of
various environmental and natural resource phenomena (Sturm and Weimann, 2006; …
various environmental and natural resource phenomena (Sturm and Weimann, 2006; …
[HTML][HTML] Enforcement and inequality in collective PES to reduce tropical deforestation: Effectiveness, efficiency and equity implications
Abstract Collective Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), where forest users receive
compensation conditional on group rather than individual performance, are an increasingly …
compensation conditional on group rather than individual performance, are an increasingly …