Signaling theory in entrepreneurship research: A systematic review and research agenda
A rapidly expanding body of entrepreneurship literature draws on signaling theory. Yet as
the field grows, common understanding of the theory's underlying constructs has become …
the field grows, common understanding of the theory's underlying constructs has become …
May the resources be with you: a systematic review and framework of startup funding options
The funding landscape for startups has recently changed significantly. Not only have new
funding partners emerged but established funding partners have also changed their …
funding partners emerged but established funding partners have also changed their …
How can SMEs use crowdfunding platforms to internationalize? The role of equity and reward crowdfunding
Despite the exponential growth of crowdfunding in recent years, research on the role it plays
in business internationalization is still embryonal. Building on the Resource Based View …
in business internationalization is still embryonal. Building on the Resource Based View …
Microfinance: A bibliometric exploration of the knowledge landscape
Microfinance has gained significant attention as a social innovation, offering flexible and low-
cost financial services to households who are otherwise excluded from formal financial …
cost financial services to households who are otherwise excluded from formal financial …
How environmental and social orientations influence the funding success of investment-based crowdfunding: The mediating role of the number of funders and the …
Environmentally and socially oriented ventures have great potential for contributing to
sustainable development. Many expect crowdfunding to be able to unleash this potential by …
sustainable development. Many expect crowdfunding to be able to unleash this potential by …
Benchmarking venture capital databases
There has been an increasing asymmetry between the rising interest in private companies
and the limited availability of data. While a group of new commercial data providers has …
and the limited availability of data. While a group of new commercial data providers has …
On the signaling effect of reward-based crowdfunding:(When) do later stage venture capitalists rely more on the crowd than their peers?
Venture capitalists (VCs) make only a small number of investments and are more likely to
invest in ventures where other VCs have invested previously. As such, valuable …
invest in ventures where other VCs have invested previously. As such, valuable …
Navigating the crowdfunding landscape: a study of knowledge trajectories based on main path analysis
Purpose Crowdfunding (CF) has become an increasingly popular means of financing for
entrepreneurs and has attracted significant attention from both researchers and practitioners …
entrepreneurs and has attracted significant attention from both researchers and practitioners …
Mitigating information asymmetry to acquire venture capital financing for digital startups in China: The role of weak and strong signals
This paper addresses how weak and strong signals affect venture capital funding acquired
by digital startups at their early stage in various industries of China. We also articulate the …
by digital startups at their early stage in various industries of China. We also articulate the …
Equity crowdfunding for university spin-offs: Unveiling the motivations, benefits, and risks related to its adoption
Equity crowdfunding (ECF) has spread rapidly worldwide, however its use by university spin-
offs (USOs) along with scholarly attention to it, is still extremely limited. In this qualitative …
offs (USOs) along with scholarly attention to it, is still extremely limited. In this qualitative …