[HTML][HTML] Exploring cybersecurity education and training techniques: A comprehensive review of traditional, virtual reality, and augmented reality approaches

AM Alnajim, S Habib, M Islam, HS AlRawashdeh… - Symmetry, 2023 - mdpi.com
Considering the alarming increase in cyberattacks and their potential financial implications,
the importance of cybersecurity education and training cannot be overstated. This paper …

The cybersecurity behavioral research: A tertiary study

NF Khan, A Yaqoob, MS Khan, N Ikram - Computers & Security, 2022 - Elsevier
Context Cybersecurity has seen a rise in behavioral investigation during the past decades.
This includes studies being carried out at the primary as well as secondary levels. There are …

Cybersecurity enterprises policies: A comparative study

A Mishra, YI Alzoubi, AQ Gill, MJ Anwar - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
Cybersecurity is a critical issue that must be prioritized not just by enterprises of all kinds, but
also by national security. To safeguard an organization's cyberenvironments, information …

Human factor, a critical weak point in the information security of an organization's Internet of things

K Hughes-Lartey, M Li, FE Botchey, Z Qin - Heliyon, 2021 - cell.com
Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) presents opportunities for designing new technologies for
organizations. Many organizations are beginning to accept these technologies for their daily …

Evaluating organizational phishing awareness training on an enterprise scale

D Hillman, Y Harel, E Toch - Computers & Security, 2023 - Elsevier
Employees are often the victims of phishing attacks, posing a threat to both themselves and
their organizations. In response, organizations are dedicating resources, time, and …

Exploring the influence of direct and indirect factors on information security policy compliance: a systematic literature review

M Alassaf, A Alkhalifah - IEEE Access, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Information systems security is considered one of the key issues concerning organizations'
management. Despite the massive investment that organizations make to safeguard their …

Establishing information security policy compliance culture in organizations

E Amankwa, M Loock, E Kritzinger - Information & Computer Security, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to establish that employees' non-compliance with information
security policy (ISP) could be addressed by nurturing ISP compliance culture through the …

Information security policy compliance: Systematic literature review

RA Alias - Procedia Computer Science, 2019 - Elsevier
The growth of research in information technology security has enlarged in recent years.
Investigations in Information security besides discussing technical problems but also …

A model of digital identity for better information security in e-learning systems

D Korać, B Damjanović, D Simić - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022 - Springer
The trend of rapid development of information technologies is creating new challenges in
information security such as security management of identities in e-learning systems. In …

Advert: an adaptive and data-driven attention enhancement mechanism for phishing prevention

L Huang, S Jia, E Balcetis, Q Zhu - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Attacks exploiting the innate and the acquired vulnerabilities of human users have posed
severe threats to cybersecurity. This work proposes ADVERT, a human-technical solution …