Short randomizable signatures
D Pointcheval, O Sanders - Topics in Cryptology-CT-RSA 2016: The …, 2016 - Springer
Digital signature is a fundamental primitive with numerous applications. Following the
development of pairing-based cryptography, several taking advantage of this setting have …
development of pairing-based cryptography, several taking advantage of this setting have …
Solidus: Confidential distributed ledger transactions via PVORM
E Cecchetti, F Zhang, Y Ji, A Kosba, A Juels… - Proceedings of the 2017 …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Blockchains and more general distributed ledgers are becoming increasingly popular as
efficient, reliable, and persistent records of data and transactions. Unfortunately, they ensure …
efficient, reliable, and persistent records of data and transactions. Unfortunately, they ensure …
Anonymous credentials light
F Baldimtsi, A Lysyanskaya - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
We define and propose an efficient and provably secure construction of blind signatures with
attributes. Prior notions of blind signatures did not yield themselves to the construction of …
attributes. Prior notions of blind signatures did not yield themselves to the construction of …
A taxonomy for planning and designing smart mobility services
G Cledou, E Estevez, LS Barbosa - Government Information Quarterly, 2018 - Elsevier
The development of smart mobility initiatives requires specialized and contextualized
policies addressing the needs and interests of many stakeholders involved. Since the …
policies addressing the needs and interests of many stakeholders involved. Since the …
[PDF][PDF] Privateride: A privacy-enhanced ride-hailing service
In the past few years, we have witnessed a rise in the popularity of ride-hailing services
(RHSs), an on-line marketplace that enables accredited drivers to use their own cars to drive …
(RHSs), an on-line marketplace that enables accredited drivers to use their own cars to drive …
Highly-efficient fully-anonymous dynamic group signatures
D Derler, D Slamanig - Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Group signatures are a central tool in privacy-enhancing cryptography, which allow
members of a group to anonymously produce signatures on behalf of the group …
members of a group to anonymously produce signatures on behalf of the group …
LaT-Voting: Traceable anonymous E-voting on blockchain
P Li, J Lai - Network and System Security: 13th International …, 2019 - Springer
In order to achieve anonymous voting, various cryptographic techniques are usually
leveraged to avoid privacy leakage. However, traditional e-voting systems are excessively …
leveraged to avoid privacy leakage. However, traditional e-voting systems are excessively …
Improved algebraic MACs and practical keyed-verification anonymous credentials
Until quite recently, anonymous credentials systems were based on public key primitives. A
new approach, that relies on algebraic Message Authentication Codes (MACs) in prime …
new approach, that relies on algebraic Message Authentication Codes (MACs) in prime …
Efficient privacy-preserving charging station reservation system for electric vehicles
In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving reservation system for electric vehicles (EV)
charging stations. Due to the short driving range of EV, frequent charging is necessary. A …
charging stations. Due to the short driving range of EV, frequent charging is necessary. A …
REWARDS: Privacy-preserving rewarding and incentive schemes for the smart electricity grid and other loyalty systems
T Dimitriou, T Giannetsos, L Chen - Computer Communications, 2019 - Elsevier
In this work we present REWARDS (pRivacy prEserving reWARDing Scheme), a generic
framework to be used for reward collection in the smart grid and other loyalty systems. A …
framework to be used for reward collection in the smart grid and other loyalty systems. A …