Sensory perception in autism

CE Robertson, S Baron-Cohen - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2017 -
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental condition, and little is known about its
neurobiology. Much of autism research has focused on the social, communication and …

With or without you: predictive coding and Bayesian inference in the brain

L Aitchison, M Lengyel - Current opinion in neurobiology, 2017 - Elsevier
Two theoretical ideas have emerged recently with the ambition to provide a unifying
functional explanation of neural population coding and dynamics: predictive coding and …

Shift toward prior knowledge confers a perceptual advantage in early psychosis and psychosis-prone healthy individuals

C Teufel, N Subramaniam, V Dobler, J Perez… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 -
Many neuropsychiatric illnesses are associated with psychosis, ie, hallucinations
(perceptions in the absence of causative stimuli) and delusions (irrational, often bizarre …

A computational perspective on autism

A Rosenberg, JS Patterson, DE Angelaki - Proceedings of the National …, 2015 -
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that manifests as a heterogeneous set of social,
cognitive, motor, and perceptual symptoms. This system-wide pervasiveness suggests that …

[HTML][HTML] Schizophrenia and the eye

SM Silverstein, R Rosen - Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 2015 - Elsevier
Although visual processing impairments are common in schizophrenia, it is not clear to what
extent these originate in the eye vs. the brain. This review highlights potential contributions …

What visual illusions teach us about schizophrenia

CE Notredame, D Pins, S Deneve… - Frontiers in integrative …, 2014 -
Illusion, namely a mismatch between the objective and perceived properties of an object
present in the environment, is a common feature of visual perception, both in normal and …

Decision-making in schizophrenia: A predictive-coding perspective

P Sterzer, M Voss, F Schlagenhauf, A Heinz - NeuroImage, 2019 - Elsevier
Dysfunctional decision-making has been implicated in the positive and negative symptoms
of schizophrenia. Decision-making can be conceptualized within the framework of …

Resolving the delusion paradox

P Petrovic, P Sterzer - Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2023 -
Abstract Background and Hypothesis The neurocomputational framework of predictive
processing (PP) provides a promising approach to explaining delusions, a key symptom of …

Recent updates of eye movement abnormalities in patients with schizophrenia: A sco** review

A Wolf, K Ueda, Y Hirano - Psychiatry and clinical …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Although eye‐tracking technology expands beyond capturing eye data just for the sole
purpose of ensuring participants maintain their gaze at the presented fixation cross, gaze …

Visual perception disturbances in schizophrenia: a unified model

SM Silverstein - … of schizophrenia: Molecules, brain systems, motivation …, 2016 - Springer
The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate that the study of visual processing
abnormalities in schizophrenia offers a unifying perspective on the etiology, development …