Pathways towards the proliferation of avoidance in anxiety and implications for treatment

I Arnaudova, M Kindt, M Fanselow, T Beckers - Behaviour Research and …, 2017 - Elsevier
Avoidance is a key symptom of anxiety disorders. Maladaptive avoidance impairs general
functioning acutely and maintains chronic anxiety. A better understanding of the …

The role of attention bias to threat in anxiety: mechanisms, modulators and open questions

H Okon-Singer - Current opinion in behavioral sciences, 2018 - Elsevier
Highlights•Anxious individuals and those at risk show attention biases to irrelevant
threats.•These attention biases are related to imbalanced prefrontal-limbic-sensory …

A new look at sensorimotor aspects in approach/avoidance tendencies: The role of visual whole-body movement information

M Rougier, D Muller, F Ric, T Alexopoulos… - Journal of Experimental …, 2018 - Elsevier
Because approach/avoidance is a crucial response to environmental stimuli, this type of
action should have left its trace on our sensorimotor system. Recent work, however …

Threatening stimuli have differential effects on movement preparation and execution—A study on snake fear

AN Zsidó, O Inhof, BL Kiss, C Bali… - People and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
How people experience nature influences their attitudes and actions towards it. Having had
a negative encounter with an animal may facilitate avoidance and freezing responses which …

Distinct inter-brain synchronization patterns during group creativity under threats in cooperative and competitive contexts

J Yin, Y Pan, Y Zhang, Y Hu, J Luo - Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2023 - Elsevier
Previous research has revealed that threats lead to conflicting conclusions about the
performance of group creativity. In this study, it was proposed that the interactive mode …

High avoidance despite low fear of a second-order conditional stimulus

Z Klein, S Berger, B Vervliet, T Shechner - Behaviour Research and …, 2021 - Elsevier
This study examined avoidance learning using a second-order threat conditioning
paradigm. Participants completed fear acquisition wherein a second-order threat cue …

Does threat have an advantage after all?–Proposing a novel experimental design to investigate the advantages of threat-relevant cues in visual processing

AN Zsido, A Csatho, A Matuz, D Stecina… - Frontiers in …, 2019 -
The automatic visual attentional procession of threatening stimuli over non-threatening cues
has long been a question. The so-called classical visual search task (VST) has quickly …

Influence of emotional valence on perceived psychological distance depends on emotional intensity

D Mei, LMW Li, Y Wang - European Journal of Social …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Previous findings regarding the relationship between emotional valence and psychological
distance were mixed. The current research examined whether emotional intensity …

Mood induction alters attention toward negative-positive stimulus pairs in sheep

CMC Raoult, L Gygax - Scientific reports, 2019 -
Mood is a lasting affective state that influences motivation and decision-making by pre-
sha** a subject's expectations (pessimism/optimism). Mood states affect biases in …

Fear of cancer, its antecedents, correlates, and disease risk estimates

L Shen, ML Acevedo Callejas - Communication and the …, 2023 -
Individuals and society as a whole seem to be particularly fearful of cancer. A web-based
study with data collected from Qualtrics panels in the United States (N= 810) was conducted …