Toward a Cenozoic history of atmospheric CO2
Cenozoic CO2 Proxy Integration Project (CenCO2PIP) … - Science, 2023 - science.org
The geological record encodes the relationship between climate and atmospheric carbon
dioxide (CO2) over long and short timescales, as well as potential drivers of evolutionary …
dioxide (CO2) over long and short timescales, as well as potential drivers of evolutionary …
[HTML][HTML] The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: Methodologies for selection, compilation and analysis of latest Paleocene and early Eocene climate proxy data …
The early Eocene (56 to 48 million years ago) is inferred to have been the most recent time
that Earth's atmospheric CO 2 concentrations exceeded 1000 ppm. Global mean …
that Earth's atmospheric CO 2 concentrations exceeded 1000 ppm. Global mean …
The seawater carbon inventory at the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum
The Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)(55.6 Mya) was a geologically rapid
carbon-release event that is considered the closest natural analog to anthropogenic CO2 …
carbon-release event that is considered the closest natural analog to anthropogenic CO2 …
Nitrogen isotopes reveal independent origins of N2-fixing symbiosis in extant cycad lineages
Cycads are ancient seed plants (gymnosperms) that emerged by the early Permian.
Although they were common understory flora and food for dinosaurs in the Mesozoic, their …
Although they were common understory flora and food for dinosaurs in the Mesozoic, their …
[HTML][HTML] Constraining conifer physiological parameters in leaf gas-exchange models for ancient CO2 reconstruction
Leaf gas-exchange models are increasingly used to reconstruct ancient atmospheric carbon
dioxide (CO 2) concentrations. One of these widely used models, the Franks model, requires …
dioxide (CO 2) concentrations. One of these widely used models, the Franks model, requires …
[HTML][HTML] Key traits of living fossil Ginkgo biloba are highly variable but not influenced by climate–Implications for palaeo-pCO2 reconstructions and climate sensitivity
The Ginkgoales, including the 'living fossil'Ginkgo biloba, are an important group for stomata-
based palaeo-pCO 2 reconstructions, with long evolutionary lineages and an extensive …
based palaeo-pCO 2 reconstructions, with long evolutionary lineages and an extensive …
No Evidence for a Large Atmospheric CO2 Spike Across the Cretaceous‐Paleogene Boundary
Currently, there is only one paleo‐CO2 record from plant macrofossils that has sufficient
stratigraphic resolution to potentially capture a transient spike related to rapid carbon …
stratigraphic resolution to potentially capture a transient spike related to rapid carbon …
Quantitative critique of leaf‐based paleo‐CO2 proxies: Consequences for their reliability and applicability
A variety of proxies have been developed to reconstruct paleo‐CO2 from fossil leaves.
These proxies rely on some combination of stomatal morphology, leaf δ 13 C, and leaf gas …
These proxies rely on some combination of stomatal morphology, leaf δ 13 C, and leaf gas …
An inter-comparison study of three stomatal-proxy methods for CO2 reconstruction applied to early Jurassic Ginkgoales plants
The inverse relationship between concentrations of CO 2 in the atmosphere (pCO 2) and the
stomatal index of vascular plant has been widely used to estimate ancient levels of …
stomatal index of vascular plant has been widely used to estimate ancient levels of …
The Ravenscrag Butte flora: Paleoclimate and paleoecology of an early Paleocene (Danian) warm-temperate deciduous forest near the vanishing inland Cannonball …
Abstract The Ravenscrag Butte flora in southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada, provides a
record of an early Paleocene (Danian) forest ecosystem that followed the K-Pg boundary …
record of an early Paleocene (Danian) forest ecosystem that followed the K-Pg boundary …