[PDF][PDF] 基于句对质量和覆盖度的统计机器翻译训练语料选取

姚树杰, 肖桐, 朱靖波 - 2011‏ - cips-cl.org
基于句对质量和覆盖度的统计机器翻译训练语料选取 Page 1 基于句对质量和覆盖度的统计
机器翻译训练语料选取 姚树杰肖桐朱靖波 1.东北大学自然语言处理实验室,辽宁沈阳110004 2.医学 …

[PDF][PDF] A Practical Chinese-English ON Translation Method Based on ON's Distribution Characteristics on the Web

F Ren - Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers, 2012‏ - aclanthology.org
In this paper, we present a demo that translate Chinese-English organization name based
on the input organization name's distribution characteristics on the web. Specifically, we first …

[PDF][PDF] The NiuTrans Machine Translation System for CWMT2011

T **ao, H Zhang, Q Li, Q Lu, J Zhu, F Ren… - Proceeding of the 6th …, 2011‏ - researchgate.net
This paper describes the NiuTrans system developed by the Natural Language Processing
Lab at Northeastern University for the Patent Machine Translation Task at NTCIR-9. We …

[PDF][PDF] A Novel Chinese-English ON Translation Method Using Mix-language Web

REN Feiliang, ZHU **gbo, W Huizhen‏ - nlpr.ia.ac.cn
In this paper, we propose a novel Chinese-English organization name translation method
with the assistance of mix-language web resources. Firstly, all the implicit out-of-vocabulary …

A novel Chinese-English on translation method using mix-language web pages

F Ren, J Zhu, H Wang - … of the 6th International Conference on …, 2010‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we propose a novel Chinese-English organization name translation method
with the assistance of mix-language web resources. Firstly, all the implicit out-of-vocabulary …

[CITATION][C] A Practical Chinese-English Organization Name Translation Method Based on Web Assistant