[HTML][HTML] Grasses in semi-arid lowlands—community composition and spatial dynamics with special regard to the influence of edaphic factors

M Waheed, SM Haq, F Arshad, RW Bussmann, M Iqbal… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Edaphic properties have been widely shown to influence community composition and
distribution. However, the degree to which edaphic factors can affect grasses in semi-arid …

Carbon stock increase during post-agricultural succession in central France: no change of the superficial soil stock and high variability within forest stages

M Weissgerber, L Chanteloup, A Bonis - New Forests, 2024 - Springer
Forest development following agricultural abandonment concerns extensive areas including
the Massif Central region of France where this study was undertaken. This land-use and …

Functional and taxonomic alpha and beta diversity responses to burning grasslands in southern Brazil

F Joner, ELH Giehl, VD Pillar - Journal of Vegetation Science, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Questions Grasslands in subtropical Brazil are known as potentially fire‐prone
ecosystems. Aiming to better understand the effects of fire on biodiversity, we addressed the …

[HTML][HTML] Quantitative Methods for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Vegetation Survey Data

D Hicks - 2024 - intechopen.com
This chapter reviews a range of analytical tools available to the vegetation scientist, together
with the nature of the raw data which inform choice and optimisation of survey protocols. In …

[PDF][PDF] Invasão por gramíneas exóticas em campos sobre paleodunas: efeitos na diversidade florística

LD Cezimbra, AB Porto, GE Overbeck - Oecologia Aust, 2021 - researchgate.net
DIVERSIDADE FLORÍSTICA. Page 1 Oecologia Australis (ISSN: 2177-6199) Ahead of print …

[PDF][PDF] Proposta de guia para a restauração de campos nativos no sul do Brasil

ESG Guarino, AB Porto, PA Thomas, SC Müller… - 2023 - sema.rs.gov.br
Sulinos do Bioma Pampa e da Mata Atlântica, em especial dos Campos de Cima da Serra,
presentes nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná. A elaboração deste …

[PDF][PDF] Impacts of climate variables and seasonal water depth on emergent macrophyte biomass production in King'wal riverine wetland, Kenya

PJK Rongoei, S Mwasi, VK Sudoi - 2023 - academicjournals.org
The production of macrophyte biomass holds a crucial role in supporting diverse life forms
within wetland ecosystems. However, this biomass production is intricately tied to hydrology …

[HTML][HTML] Índice de contribución ecológica: Un método simple y confiable para determinar la condición de pastizales

RA Saucedo-Terán, P Jurado-Guerra… - Ecosistemas y …, 2021 - scielo.org.mx
Las herramientas de evaluación de pastizales presentan limitantes que las hacen difíciles
de utilizar. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue proponer y describir una …

A Protocol for Sampling Ecohydrological Traits in Nepal's Terai Arc Landscape

S Cró Maycock - 2023 - studenttheses.uu.nl
The Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) of Nepal is a global priority conservation area for the Bengal
Tiger (Panthera tigristigris). The Bengal Tiger faces numerous threats to its survival …

Baccharis funkiae (Compositae: Astereae), a new narrow endemic species from Uruguay

JM Bonifacino, G Heiden, MV Valtierra… - Systematic …, 2020 - ingentaconnect.com
Baccharis funkiae, a new species endemic to Uruguay, is described and illustrated here. We
also provide field work pictures, etymology, distribution and habitat, and preliminary …