How social media live streams affect online buyers: A uses and gratifications perspective
Social media live streams (SMLSs) are becoming mainstream e-commerce platforms,
especially for direct selling, offering online retailers (e-tailers) immense consumer interaction …
especially for direct selling, offering online retailers (e-tailers) immense consumer interaction …
How attachment influences users' willingness to donate to content creators in social media: A socio-technical systems perspective
J Wan, Y Lu, B Wang, L Zhao - Information & Management, 2017 - Elsevier
As a relatively new behavior, donation to content creators in social media has become very
popular in the last few years. Different from traditional donation to nonprofit organization or …
popular in the last few years. Different from traditional donation to nonprofit organization or …
Exploring the pay-what-you-want payment motivation
M Kunter - Journal of Business Research, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) pricing is becoming increasingly popular in real-
world applications, especially for cultural services and digital goods. Yet very little is known …
world applications, especially for cultural services and digital goods. Yet very little is known …
Visual-audio correspondence and its effect on video tip**: Evidence from Bilibili vlogs
B Li, J Zhao - Information Processing & Management, 2023 - Elsevier
Video tip** takes a remarkable share in the income of online streaming platforms such as
Bilibili. There are some specific map**s between the audio and visual signals that viewers …
Bilibili. There are some specific map**s between the audio and visual signals that viewers …
An investigation into factors affecting individuals' gifting intention in live streaming: a streamer–content perspective
B Lu, D Wu, R Zhao - Journal of Electronic Business & Digital …, 2022 -
Purpose Gifting is a typical monetization strategy for live streaming platforms to motivate
providers' live content contribution. However, research regarding the factors that affect …
providers' live content contribution. However, research regarding the factors that affect …
Pay-what-you-want for high-value priced services: Differences between potential, new, and repeat customers
This study contributes to the limited literature on the pricing method of pay-what-you-want
(PWYW) in the context of a high-value service. The study evaluates the applicability and …
(PWYW) in the context of a high-value service. The study evaluates the applicability and …
Contextual differences in the moderating effects of price consciousness and social desirability in pay-what-you-want (PWYW) pricing
This research explores the trade-offs that customers make between different economic,
social, and psychological considerations to arrive at a pay-what-you-want (PWYW) pricing …
social, and psychological considerations to arrive at a pay-what-you-want (PWYW) pricing …
Social influence and willingness to pay for massively multiplayer online games: An empirical examination of social identity theory
AJ Setterstrom, JM Pearson - Communications of the Association for …, 2019 -
The development and sale of massively multiplayer online games has emerged as a
significant part of the 21st century entertainment industry. Yet, firms competing in this sector …
significant part of the 21st century entertainment industry. Yet, firms competing in this sector …
They pay for a reason! the determinants of fan's instant sponsorship for content creators
This article aims to understand fan's instant sponsorship (FIS), focusing on promoting and
hindering factors. FIS refers to viewers' occasional activities that pay for items through …
hindering factors. FIS refers to viewers' occasional activities that pay for items through …
The effects of social interaction and social norm compliance in pay-what-you-want situations
LP Hilbert, A Suessmair - American Journal of Industrial and Business …, 2015 -
Since Pay-What-You-Want is a relatively new field of study, the influence factors during the
pricing process are not sufficiently explored. It was hypothesized that in a hypothetical Pay …
pricing process are not sufficiently explored. It was hypothesized that in a hypothetical Pay …