A survey on information visualization for network and service management
Network and service management encompasses a set of activities, methods, procedures,
and tools, whose ultimate goal is to guarantee the proper functioning of a networked system …
and tools, whose ultimate goal is to guarantee the proper functioning of a networked system …
Big data applications the banking sector: a bibliometric analysis approach
This study aims to review the existing literature on big data applications in banking using a
bibliometric analysis approach. This approach describes citation rates, research outputs …
bibliometric analysis approach. This approach describes citation rates, research outputs …
Using text mining techniques to identify research trends: A case study of design research
The research goal of this paper is to identify major academic branches and to detect
research trends in design research using text mining techniques. In this paper, the …
research trends in design research using text mining techniques. In this paper, the …
Digital service innovation enabled by big data analytics-A review and the way forward
A Rizk, B Bergvall-Kåreborn, A Elragal - 2017 - aisel.aisnet.org
Abstract Service innovation is attracting attention with the expanding service industries and
economies. Accompanied by major developments in ICT and sensory and digital …
economies. Accompanied by major developments in ICT and sensory and digital …
An evaluation framework for network security visualizations
Visualization helps to comprehend and analyze large amounts of data, a fundamental
necessity for network security due to the large volume of audits traces produced each day. In …
necessity for network security due to the large volume of audits traces produced each day. In …
MVSec: multi-perspective and deductive visual analytics on heterogeneous network security data
In this article, we present a visual analytics system, MVSec, which helps analysts understand
better what information flows under network security datasets. The major contributions of this …
better what information flows under network security datasets. The major contributions of this …
A matrix-based visualization system for network traffic forensics
Network forensics requires analysts to efficiently reason about various attack phenomena
from massive data. Visualization techniques can convert abstract data into visual sensitive …
from massive data. Visualization techniques can convert abstract data into visual sensitive …
[ספר][B] Revitalising audience research: Innovations in European audience research
The revitalisation of audience studies is not only about new approaches and methods; it
entails a crossing of disciplines and a bridging of long-established boundaries in the field …
entails a crossing of disciplines and a bridging of long-established boundaries in the field …
Big data in audience research: A critical perspective
F Zeller - Revitalising Audience Research, 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
What does big data 2 mean for contemporary and future audience research? Does it simply
have methodological implications, such as giving up traditional methods for the sake of …
have methodological implications, such as giving up traditional methods for the sake of …
Big Data and Cyber security: A visual Analytics perspective
With organisations and governments significantly investing in cyber defenses, there is an
urgent need to develop tools and technologies to help security professionals understand …
urgent need to develop tools and technologies to help security professionals understand …