Assessment of process, parameters, residual stress mitigation, post treatments and finite element analysis simulations of wire arc additive manufacturing technique
Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) technique became an emerging manufacturing
technology because of its cost-effective in creating large-scale metal parts with moderately …
technology because of its cost-effective in creating large-scale metal parts with moderately …
Residual stresses in gas tungsten arc welding: a novel phase-field thermo-elastoplasticity modeling and parameter treatment framework
The fusion welding process of metallic components, such as using gas tungsten arc welding
(GTAW), is often accompanied by detrimental deformations and residual stresses, which …
(GTAW), is often accompanied by detrimental deformations and residual stresses, which …
Finite element simulation for predicting temperature and residual stresses distribution developed in dissimilar welds of Monel 400 and AISI 309L
In this paper, heat source model was developed for predicting temperature gradients and
residual stress develo** in welds of combined base materials AISI 309 L and Monel 400 …
residual stress develo** in welds of combined base materials AISI 309 L and Monel 400 …
Role of various tool pin profiles in friction stir welding of AA2024 alloys
In FSW, tool pin profile has a significant contribution on mechanical and microstructural
properties of metallic joints. In the present work, various pin profiles such as conical, pedal …
properties of metallic joints. In the present work, various pin profiles such as conical, pedal …
A review on heat generation and temperature distribution models in friction stir welding (FSW)
Nowadays the higher fuel efficiency is a major concern in every develo** field of
technology and it is also a cause for the development of lightweight materials. There are …
technology and it is also a cause for the development of lightweight materials. There are …
Evaluation of Melting Efficiency in Cold Wire Gas Metal Arc Welding Using 1020 Steel as Substrate
A key welding parameter to quantify in the welding process is the ratio of the heat required to
melt the weld metal versus the total energy delivered to the weld, and this is referred to as …
melt the weld metal versus the total energy delivered to the weld, and this is referred to as …
Development and characterisation of microwave processed SS2205 joints
In this paper, selective microwave hybrid heating (SMHH) based microwave joining of
SS2205 specimens has been performed. SS2205 specimens have been successfully joined …
SS2205 specimens has been performed. SS2205 specimens have been successfully joined …
[HTML][HTML] Простая аналитическая модель тепловых полей для разработки цифровых двойников процесса промышленной дуговой сварки
ДА Мирзаев, КЮ Окишев… - Вестник Южно …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Цифровые технологии являются одним из важнейших направлений развития
производственных процессов. Цифровой двойник-это виртуальное представление …
производственных процессов. Цифровой двойник-это виртуальное представление …
Effects of the Rolling Temperature on the Microstructure Uniformities and Mechanical Properties of Large 2219 Al–Cu Alloy Rings
The microstructure uniformities and mechanical properties of the 2219 Al–Cu alloy ring
should be further improved. By whole-process analysis and partial quantitative analysis, this …
should be further improved. By whole-process analysis and partial quantitative analysis, this …
[HTML][HTML] Study on the effect of flux composition on the melting efficiency of A-TIG of AISI 316L stainless steel: Experimental and analytical approaches
Melting efficiency in welding is determined by various factors, including processing and
operational parameters, the thermomechanical and chemical properties of the materials …
operational parameters, the thermomechanical and chemical properties of the materials …