Verb sense and verb subcategorization probabilities

D Roland, D Jurafsky - The lexical basis of sentence processing …, 2008 -
The probabilistic relation between verbs and their arguments plays an important role in
psychological theories of human language processing. Unfortunately, different methods of …

Verb subcategorization frequencies: American English corpus data, methodological studies, and cross-corpus comparisons

S Gahl, D Jurafsky, D Roland - Behavior Research Methods, Instruments …, 2004 - Springer
Verb subcategorization frequencies (verb biases) have been widely studied in
psycholinguistics and play an important role in human sentence processing. Yet available …

[PDF][PDF] The FrameNet tagset for frame-semantic and syntactic coding of predicate-argument structure

C Johnson, CJ Fillmore - 1st Meeting of the North American …, 2000 -
This paper presents the syntactic and semantic tags used to annotate predicate-argument
structure in the Berkeley FrameNet Project. It briefly explains the theory of frame semantics …

[PDF][PDF] How verb subcategorization frequencies are affected by corpus choice

D Roland, D Jurafsky - COLING 1998 Volume 2: The 17th …, 1998 -
The probabilistic relation between verbs and their arguments plays an important role in
modern statistical parsers and supertaggers, and in psychological theories of language …

Lexical biases in aphasic sentence comprehension: An experimental and corpus linguistic study

S Gahl - Aphasiology, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Background: This study investigates the role of lexical information in normal and aphasic
sentence comprehension. Effects of verb biases in normal comprehension have been well …

Can subcategorisation probabilities help a statistical parser?

J Carroll, G Minnen, T Briscoe - arxiv preprint cmp-lg/9806013, 1998 -
Research into the automatic acquisition of lexical information from corpora is starting to
produce large-scale computational lexicons containing data on the relative frequencies of …

[PDF][PDF] The FrameNet project: Tools for lexicon building

C Johnson, CJ Fillmore, E Wood… - Manuscript. Berkeley …, 2001 -
The FrameNet Project is a lexicographic research project housed and administered at the
International Computer Science Institute (http://www. icsi. berkeley. edu), in Berkeley …

Frequency, acceptability, and selection: A case study of clause-embedding

AS White, K Rawlins - arxiv preprint arxiv:2004.04106, 2020 -
We investigate the relationship between the frequency with which verbs are found in
particular subcategorization frames and the acceptability of those verbs in those frames …

[PDF][PDF] Subcategorization acquisition and classes of predication in Urdu

G Raza - 2011 -
In this thesis, I have focused on identifying and exploring different types of predicators and
patterns of their subcategorization frames in Urdu. Not having at hand refined resources for …

[PDF][PDF] Statistical filtering and subcategorization frame acquisition

A Korhonen, G Gorrell, D McCarthy - 2000 Joint SIGDAT …, 2000 -
Research" into the automatic acquisition of subcategorization frames (SCFS) from corpora is
starting to produce large-scale computational lexicons which include valuable frequency …