TS-REPLICA: A novel replica placement algorithm based on the entropy weight TOPSIS method in spark for multimedia data analysis
Performance optimization based on node attributes is of profound significance in the replica
placement algorithm used in Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). Currently, most …
placement algorithm used in Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). Currently, most …
Efficient online scheduling of service function chains across multiple geo-distributed regions
Traditional network functions are typically implemented using specialized hardware
appliances, which are expensive and difficult to upgrade. Network Function Virtualization …
appliances, which are expensive and difficult to upgrade. Network Function Virtualization …
Overlay routing over an uncooperative underlay
Overlay network is a non-intrusive mechanism to enhance the existing network infrastructure
by building a logical distributed system on top of a physical underlay. A major difficulty in …
by building a logical distributed system on top of a physical underlay. A major difficulty in …
Caching or not: An online cost optimization algorithm for geodistributed data analysis in cloud environments
W Yang, L Pan, S Liu - Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
With the wide application of big data technology, a large number of data geographically
stored in data centers across various regions are generated everyday, waiting to be …
stored in data centers across various regions are generated everyday, waiting to be …
Multi-Stage Geo-Distributed Data Aggregation With Coordinated Computation and Communication in Edge Compute First Networking
Z Liu, X Yuan, J Yuan, J Zhang, Z Gu… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the explosion of geo-distributed data, the huge treasures hidden in them are waiting to
be explored to obtain valuable insights. This results in the need for an effective geo …
be explored to obtain valuable insights. This results in the need for an effective geo …
Large-scale measurements and prediction of DC-WAN traffic
Large cloud service providers have built an increasing number of geo-distributed data
centers (DCs) connected by Wide Area Networks (WANs). These DC-WANs carry both high …
centers (DCs) connected by Wide Area Networks (WANs). These DC-WANs carry both high …
ANN-assisted scheduling method for bulk data transfers in optical computing power networks
X Lin, H Lin, C Zhang, J Li, K Shi… - 2023 Opto-Electronics …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
ANN-assisted scheduling method is presented to schedule bulk transfers across optical
computing power networks in a single-path/SnF-multi-path manner. Studies demonstrate …
computing power networks in a single-path/SnF-multi-path manner. Studies demonstrate …
Delay-resistant geo-distributed analytics
Big data analytics platforms have played a critical role in the unprecedented success of data-
driven applications. However, real-time and streaming data applications, and recent …
driven applications. However, real-time and streaming data applications, and recent …
Task Scheduling in Geo-Distributed Computing: A Survey
Geo-distributed computing, a paradigm that assigns computational tasks to globally
distributed nodes, has emerged as a promising approach in cloud computing, edge …
distributed nodes, has emerged as a promising approach in cloud computing, edge …
GSelf-MapReduce: A Method for Enhancing Mapreduce Performance in Distributed Heterogeneous Data Centers
Big data are often stored close to the locations where they are generated, owing to the cost
of data transfer. These stored data are moved to a single location for processing or …
of data transfer. These stored data are moved to a single location for processing or …