Ozonation in water treatment: the generation, basic properties of ozone and its practical application

C Wei, F Zhang, Y Hu, C Feng, H Wu - Reviews in Chemical …, 2017‏ - degruyter.com
The widespread applications of ozone technologies are established on the basis of large-
scale manufacture of ozone generator and chemical reactivity of ozone. It is hence …

Microbubbles and their application to ozonation in water treatment: A critical review exploring their benefit and future application

A John, A Brookes, I Carra, B Jefferson… - Critical Reviews in …, 2022‏ - Taylor & Francis
Ozonation is a widely applied water treatment process, used for oxidation of contaminants,
as well as for the disinfection of water. However, the conventional ozonation process …

Ozone and photocatalytic processes for pathogens removal from water: A review

J Gomes, A Matos, M Gmurek, RM Quinta-Ferreira… - Catalysts, 2019‏ - mdpi.com
The search for alternative water sources is pushing to the reuse of treated water coming from
municipal wastewater treatment plants. However, this requires that tightened standards be …

Modelling solute transport in water disinfection systems: Effects of temperature gradient on the hydraulic and disinfection efficiency of serpentine chlorine contact tanks

D Goodarzi, S Abolfathi, S Borzooei - Journal of Water Process …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Chlorine residual plays a key role in determining the quality of treated water and
wastewater. One of the most critical factors affecting chlorine decay rates is flow and ambient …

Operator learning for urban water clarification hydrodynamics and particulate matter transport with physics-informed neural networks

H Li, M Shatarah - Water Research, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be a powerful tool for higher-fidelity water
infrastructure planning and design. Despite decades of development and demonstration …

Developments in computational fluid dynamics-based modeling for disinfection technologies over the last two decades: A review

J Zhang, AE Tejada-Martínez, Q Zhang - Environmental modelling & …, 2014‏ - Elsevier
In the last two decades, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has shown great potential as
a powerful and cost-efficient tool to troubleshoot existing disinfection contactors and improve …

Large-eddy simulation in hydraulics: Quo Vadis?

T Stoesser - Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2014‏ - Taylor & Francis
The method of large-eddy simulation (LES) is used increasingly to address research and
engineering problems of modern hydraulics. LES simulates directly the large-scale motion of …

Implementing machine learning to optimize the cost-benefit of urban water clarifier geometrics

H Li, J Sansalone - Water Research, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Clarification basins are ubiquitous water treatment units applied across urban water
systems. Diverse applications include stormwater systems, stabilization lagoons …

Analysis of ozonation processes using coupled modeling of fluid dynamics, mass transfer, and chemical reaction kinetics

B Lian, Q Jiang, S Garg, Y Wang, Y Yuan… - … Science & Technology, 2022‏ - ACS Publications
The efficacy of oxidation of recalcitrant organic contaminants in municipal and industrial
wastewaters by ozonation is influenced by chemical reaction kinetics and hydrodynamics …

Predicting the disinfection efficiency range in chlorine contact tanks through a CFD-based approach

A Angeloudis, T Stoesser, RA Falconer - Water Research, 2014‏ - Elsevier
In this study three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, incorporating
appropriately selected kinetic models, were developed to simulate the processes of chlorine …