Adaptive priority-based data placement and multi-task scheduling in geo-distributed cloud systems
C Li, J Liu, W Li, Y Luo - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021 - Elsevier
With the rapid development and the widespread use of cloud computing in various
applications, the number of users distributed in different regions has grown exponentially …
applications, the number of users distributed in different regions has grown exponentially …
Real-time data center's telemetry reduction and reconstruction using markov chain models
Large-scale data centers are composed of thousands of servers organized in interconnected
racks to offer services to users. These data centers continuously generate large amounts of …
racks to offer services to users. These data centers continuously generate large amounts of …
In-Memory Indexed Caching for Distributed Data Processing
Powerful abstractions such as dataframes are only as efficient as their underlying runtime
system. The de-facto distributed data processing framework, Apache Spark, is poorly suited …
system. The de-facto distributed data processing framework, Apache Spark, is poorly suited …
Data center's telemetry reduction and prediction through modeling techniques
SR Baig - 2019 - upcommons.upc.edu
Nowadays, Cloud Computing is widely used to host and deliver services over the Internet.
The architecture of clouds is complex due to its heterogeneous nature of hardware and is …
The architecture of clouds is complex due to its heterogeneous nature of hardware and is …
Spark Performance Optimization Analysis with Multi-Layer Parameter using Shuffling and Scheduling in Different Data Caching Options
As social networking services and e-commerce are growing rapidly, the number of online
users also dynamically growing which facilitates the contribution of huge content to the …
users also dynamically growing which facilitates the contribution of huge content to the …
Spark Performance Optimization Analysis With Multi-Layer Parameter Using Shuffling and Scheduling With Data Serialization in Different Data Caching Options
M Deleli, DM Adinew, AT Alemu - Journal of Technological …, 2021 - igi-global.com
As social networking services and e-commerce are growing rapidly, the number of online
users also dynamically growing that facilitate contribution of huge contents to digital world. In …
users also dynamically growing that facilitate contribution of huge contents to digital world. In …
[PDF][PDF] Real-time Data Center's Telemetry Reduction and Reconstruction Using Markov Chain Models
Large-scale data centers are composed of thousands of servers organized in interconnected
racks to offer services to users. These data centers continuously generate large amounts of …
racks to offer services to users. These data centers continuously generate large amounts of …