Thresholdless Classification of chaotic dynamics and combustion instability via probabilistic finite state automata
The objective of the work reported in this paper is to make decisions on the current state of a
dynamical system for pattern classification and anomaly/fault detection, which is often …
dynamical system for pattern classification and anomaly/fault detection, which is often …
A unified mixed deep neural network for fatigue damage detection in components with different stress concentrations
The article presents a mixed deep neural network (DNN) approach for detecting micron-
scale fatigue damage in high-strength polycrystalline aluminum alloys. Fatigue testing is …
scale fatigue damage in high-strength polycrystalline aluminum alloys. Fatigue testing is …
[HTML][HTML] Fatigue damage detection of aerospace-grade aluminum alloys using feature-based and feature-less deep neural networks
S Dharmadhikari, A Basak - Machine Learning with Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
Fatigue damage is one of the most common causes of failure in aerospace structural
components. While numerical modeling and laboratory-scale experimentation provide much …
components. While numerical modeling and laboratory-scale experimentation provide much …
Deteksi Serangan Denial of Service pada Internet of Things Menggunakan Finite-State Automata
Internet of things memiliki kemampuan untuk menghubungkan obyek pintar dan
memungkinkan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dan peralatan komputasi …
memungkinkan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dan peralatan komputasi …
[HTML][HTML] A data-driven framework for early-stage fatigue damage detection in aluminum alloys using ultrasonic sensors
The paper presents a coupled machine learning and pattern recognition algorithm to enable
early-stage fatigue damage detection in aerospace-grade aluminum alloys. U-and V …
early-stage fatigue damage detection in aerospace-grade aluminum alloys. U-and V …
[HTML][HTML] Assessment of transfer learning capabilities for fatigue damage classification and detection in aluminum specimens with different notch geometries
Fatigue damage detection and its classification in metallic materials are persistently
challenging the structural health monitoring community. The mechanics of fatigue damage is …
challenging the structural health monitoring community. The mechanics of fatigue damage is …
Transfer learning for detection of combustion instability via symbolic time-series analysis
Transfer learning (TL) is a machine learning (ML) tool where the knowledge, acquired from a
source domain, is “transferred” to perform a task in a target domain that has (to some extent) …
source domain, is “transferred” to perform a task in a target domain that has (to some extent) …
[SÁCH][B] Frontiers in Data-Driven Learning Via Probabilistic Finite State Automata
C Bhattacharya - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Anomaly detection is an essential step in the task of automating complex processes,
allowing the control algorithm to identify any undesirable operation and take preventive or …
allowing the control algorithm to identify any undesirable operation and take preventive or …
[PDF][PDF] Deteksi Serangan Denial of Service pada Internet of Things Menggunakan Finite-State Automata Denial of Service Attack Detection on Internet of Things Using …
F Antony, R Gustriansyah - academia.edu
Internet of things memiliki kemampuan untuk menghubungkan obyek pintar dan
memungkinkan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dan peralatan komputasi …
memungkinkan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dan peralatan komputasi …
[PDF][PDF] A Data-Driven Framework for Early-Stage Fatigue Damage Detection in Aluminum Alloys Using Ultrasonic Sensors. Machines 2021, 9, 211
The paper presents a coupled machine learning and pattern recognition algorithm to enable
early-stage fatigue damage detection in aerospace-grade aluminum alloys. U-and V …
early-stage fatigue damage detection in aerospace-grade aluminum alloys. U-and V …