Simultaneous sEMG recognition of gestures and force levels for interaction with prosthetic hand
The natural interaction between the prosthetic hand and the upper limb amputation patient is
important and directly affects the rehabilitation effect and operation ability. Most previous …
important and directly affects the rehabilitation effect and operation ability. Most previous …
Multi-grip classification-based prosthesis control with two EMG-IMU sensors
In the field of upper-limb myoelectric prosthesis control, the use of statistical and machine
learning methods has been long proposed as a means of enabling intuitive grip selection …
learning methods has been long proposed as a means of enabling intuitive grip selection …
sEMG-based hand gesture recognition using binarized neural network
S Kang, H Kim, C Park, Y Sim, S Lee, Y Jung - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
Recently, human–machine interfaces (HMI) that make life convenient have been studied in
many fields. In particular, a hand gesture recognition (HGR) system, which can be …
many fields. In particular, a hand gesture recognition (HGR) system, which can be …
BioPoint: Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction through Single-Site, Multi-Sensor Gesture Recognition
Advancements in human-computer interaction (HCI) and machine learning are seen as key
avenues to help individuals living with upper limb disabilities in accomplishing their activities …
avenues to help individuals living with upper limb disabilities in accomplishing their activities …
Human hand movement recognition based on HMM with hyperparameters optimized by maximum mutual information
Performing dexterous and versatile movements is essential for multi-finger manipulators for
human-robot collaboration, and designing effective control methods for the robotic …
human-robot collaboration, and designing effective control methods for the robotic …
[HTML][HTML] Selection of EMG sensors based on motion coordinated analysis
The intelligent prosthesis driven by electromyography (EMG) signal provides a solution for
the movement of the disabled. The proper position of EMG sensors can improve the …
the movement of the disabled. The proper position of EMG sensors can improve the …
Securing embedded medical devices using dual-factor authentication
This work provides an analysis of dual-factor authentication protocol for securing low-power
medical devices. The dual-factor protocol incorporates voluntary physical action-based …
medical devices. The dual-factor protocol incorporates voluntary physical action-based …
The effects of channel number on classification performance for sEMG-based speech recognition
Speech recognition based on surface electromyography (sEMG) signals is an important
research direction with potential applications in life, work and clinical. The number and …
research direction with potential applications in life, work and clinical. The number and …
Анализ эффективности методов машинного обучения в задаче распознавания жестов на основе данных электромиографических сигналов
При разработке систем человеко-машинных интерфейсов актуальной является задача
распознавания жестов. Для выявления наиболее эффективного метода распознавания …
распознавания жестов. Для выявления наиболее эффективного метода распознавания …
Hand Gesture Recognition Based on EMG Data: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach
Deep learning (DL) has transformed the field of data analysis by dramatically improving the
state of the art in various classification and prediction tasks. Especially in the area of …
state of the art in various classification and prediction tasks. Especially in the area of …