Blockchain-assisted UAV communication systems: A comprehensive survey
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have recently established their capacity to provide cost-
effective and credible solutions for various real-world scenarios. UAVs provide an immense …
effective and credible solutions for various real-world scenarios. UAVs provide an immense …
Integrated relief pre-positioning and procurement planning considering non-governmental organizations support and perishable relief items in a humanitarian supply …
The escalating frequency and severity of disasters on a global scale have sparked inquiries
into the efficacy of current disaster planning strategies in various scenarios. Despite the …
into the efficacy of current disaster planning strategies in various scenarios. Despite the …
Distributionally robust chance-constrained programming for multi-period emergency resource allocation and vehicle routing in disaster response operations
W Wang, K Yang, L Yang, Z Gao - Omega, 2023 - Elsevier
Emergency resource allocation and vehicle routing are the most essential and inseparable
response actions in emergency management after disasters. In particular, disaster response …
response actions in emergency management after disasters. In particular, disaster response …
The role of drones in disaster response: A literature review of operations research applications
The increasing use of drones has led to growing interest in their potential applications in
disaster response. In this study, we examine the role of drones in disaster management …
disaster response. In this study, we examine the role of drones in disaster management …
Optimization model and algorithm of logistics vehicle routing problem under major emergency
The novel coronavirus pandemic is a major global public health emergency, and has
presented new challenges and requirements for the timely response and operational …
presented new challenges and requirements for the timely response and operational …
Dynamic assessment of postdisaster road network vulnerability using crowdsourced traffic data
Z Yichi, Z Han**, Q Haoyue, L **fan - Transportation Research Part D …, 2024 - Elsevier
Accurate identification of the spatial and temporal dynamic impacts of disasters on road
networks is crucial for making informed decisions regarding postdisaster emergency …
networks is crucial for making informed decisions regarding postdisaster emergency …
Reliability-Seeking virtual organizations at the margins of systems, resources and capacity
M Grabowski, PF Martelli, KH Roberts - Safety Science, 2023 - Elsevier
High reliability organization (HRO) principles have been used to reduce risk and enhance
safety, embracing such tenets as high tempo, operational decision-making; clear and …
safety, embracing such tenets as high tempo, operational decision-making; clear and …
Social resilience and disaster resilience: A strategy in disaster management efforts based on big data analysis in Indonesian's twitter users
Disasters have various causes, disaster management efforts, and actors involved. A
systematic big data analysis is needed to identify social resilience to determine the quality of …
systematic big data analysis is needed to identify social resilience to determine the quality of …
Crew scheduling and routing problem in road restoration via branch-and-price algorithms
This paper addresses the single crew scheduling and routing problem in the context of road
network repair and restoration, which is critical in assisting complex postdisaster decisions …
network repair and restoration, which is critical in assisting complex postdisaster decisions …
A flexible framework to coordinate debris clearance and relief distribution operations: a robust machine learning approach
B Vahdani - Expert Systems with Applications, 2023 - Elsevier
This study aims to offer an integrated, flexible action plan to bridge two vital operations in the
response phase of disaster management, namely debris clearance and relief items …
response phase of disaster management, namely debris clearance and relief items …