A systematic quantitative review on the performance of some of the recent short-term rainfall forecasting techniques
SP Ashok, S Pekkat - Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2022 - iwaponline.com
Rainfall forecasting is a high-priority research problem due to the complex interplay of
multiple factors. Despite extensive studies, a systematic quantitative review of recent …
multiple factors. Despite extensive studies, a systematic quantitative review of recent …
A neural network-based approach for the detection of heavy precipitation using GNSS observations and surface meteorological data
Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in using GNSS observations to detect
heavy precipitation. In this study, a neural network-based (NN-based) approach taking …
heavy precipitation. In this study, a neural network-based (NN-based) approach taking …
[PDF][PDF] Binary classification of rainfall time-series using machine learning algorithms.
Summer monsoon rainfall contributes more than 75% of the annual rainfall in India. For the
state of Maharashtra, India, this is more than 80% for almost all regions of the state. The high …
state of Maharashtra, India, this is more than 80% for almost all regions of the state. The high …
[PDF][PDF] On the performance analysis of rainfall prediction using mutual information with artificial neural network
Monsoon rainfall prediction over a small geographic region is indeed a challenging task.
This paper uses monthly means of climate variables, namely air temperature (AT), sea …
This paper uses monthly means of climate variables, namely air temperature (AT), sea …
Nowcasting of Storms Using Predicted Integrated Water Vapor with a Machine Learning Technique and Satellite Brightness Temperature
A hybrid model for nowcasting of storms has been developed by employing predicted
integrated water vapor (IWV) with light gradient boosting machine (GBM) on Global …
integrated water vapor (IWV) with light gradient boosting machine (GBM) on Global …
[PDF][PDF] Deep learning in multi-step forecasting of chaotic dynamics
M Sangiorgio - Special Topics in Information Technology, 2022 - library.oapen.org
The prediction of chaotic dynamical systems' future evolution is widely debated and
represents a hot topic in the context of nonlinear time series analysis. Recent advances in …
represents a hot topic in the context of nonlinear time series analysis. Recent advances in …
Machine Learning Tools for Water Resources Modeling and Management
The pervasive diffusion of information and communication technologies that has
characterized the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries has profoundly …
characterized the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries has profoundly …
Spatio-temporal analysis of intense convective storms tracks in a densely urbanized Italian basin
Intense convective storms usually produce large rainfall volumes in short time periods,
increasing the risk of floods and causing damages to population, buildings, and …
increasing the risk of floods and causing damages to population, buildings, and …
Quality-Aware Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Precipitation Nowcasting
J Jonnalagadda, M Hashemi - Engineering Proceedings, 2023 - mdpi.com
Accurate precipitation forecasting is essential for emergency management, aviation, and
marine agencies to prepare for potential weather impacts. However, traditional radar echo …
marine agencies to prepare for potential weather impacts. However, traditional radar echo …
Forecasting Convective Storms Trajectory and Intensity by Neural Networks
Convective storms represent a dangerous atmospheric phenomenon, particularly for the
heavy and concentrated precipitation they can trigger. Given their high velocity and …
heavy and concentrated precipitation they can trigger. Given their high velocity and …