Nonlinear effects in the ionosphere
AV Gurevich - Physics-Uspekhi, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
The review is based in a report presented by the author at the RAS Physical Sciences
Division's session in honor of Vitaly L Ginzburg's 90th birthday. It examines the current status …
Division's session in honor of Vitaly L Ginzburg's 90th birthday. It examines the current status …
The heating of the high lattitude ionosphere by high power radio waves
TR Robinson - Physics reports, 1989 - Elsevier
The high power radio facility, built jointly by the Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie, Lindau
and the University of Tromsø, at Tromsø in Northern Norway, has been operational since …
and the University of Tromsø, at Tromsø in Northern Norway, has been operational since …
Introduction to ionospheric heating at Tromsø—I. Experimental overview
MT Rietveld, H Kohl, H Kopka, P Stubbe - Journal of atmospheric and …, 1993 - Elsevier
The HF ionospheric modification (heating) facility at Ramfjordmoen will become a part of the
EISCAT association from January 1993. This paper, which is intended for the new user …
EISCAT association from January 1993. This paper, which is intended for the new user …
Stimulated electromagnetic emissions by high-frequency electromagnetic pum** of the ionospheric plasma
TB Leyser - Space Science Reviews, 2001 - Springer
A high frequency electromagnetic pump wave transmitted into the ionospheric plasma from
the ground can stimulate electromagnetic radiation with frequencies around that of the …
the ground can stimulate electromagnetic radiation with frequencies around that of the …
Past, present and future of active radio frequency experiments in space
AV Streltsov, JJ Berthelier, AA Chernyshov… - Space Science …, 2018 - Springer
Active ionospheric experiments using high-power, high-frequency transmitters,“heaters”, to
study plasma processes in the ionosphere and magnetosphere continue to provide new …
study plasma processes in the ionosphere and magnetosphere continue to provide new …
New capabilities of the upgraded EISCAT high‐power HF facility
MT Rietveld, A Senior, J Markkanen… - Radio Science, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The high‐power HF (high‐frequency) facility (commonly known as Heating) near Tromsø,
Norway, which is an essential part of the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association …
Norway, which is an essential part of the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association …
[KIRJA][B] Radio techniques for probing the terrestrial ionosphere
RD Hunsucker - 2013 - books.google.com
In the years since the pioneering efforts of Sir Edward Appleton, MAF Barnett, G. Breit, and
MA Thve, many radio techniques have been employed to investigate the terrestrial …
MA Thve, many radio techniques have been employed to investigate the terrestrial …
Review of ionospheric modification experiments at Tromsø
P Stubbe - Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 1996 - Elsevier
~ Pergamon 0021-9169(95)00041-0 Review of ionospheric modification experiments at
Troms~ 2. D-REGION MODIFICATION Page 1 ~ Pergamon Journal of Atmospheric and …
Troms~ 2. D-REGION MODIFICATION Page 1 ~ Pergamon Journal of Atmospheric and …
Нелинейные явления в ионосфере
АВ Гуревич - Успехи физических наук, 2007 - ufn.ru
Ионосфера ì это плазменный слой в верхней атмосфере, на высотах от 60 до 1000 км
(рис. 1а). Плазма в ионосфере создается ультрафиолетовым излучением Солнца, по …
(рис. 1а). Плазма в ионосфере создается ультрафиолетовым излучением Солнца, по …
Temporal behaviour of artificial small-scale ionospheric irregularities: Review of experimental results
VL Frolov, LM Erukhimov, SA Metelev… - Journal of atmospheric …, 1997 - Elsevier
Features of artificial small-scale ionospheric irregularities (ASI) induced at F-region heights
by powerful HF waves are discussed. The investigations presented here were performed …
by powerful HF waves are discussed. The investigations presented here were performed …