Stable isotopes in leaf water of terrestrial plants
Leaf water contains naturally occurring stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in
abundances that vary spatially and temporally. When sufficiently understood, these can be …
abundances that vary spatially and temporally. When sufficiently understood, these can be …
Ideas and perspectives: Tracing terrestrial ecosystem water fluxes using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes–challenges and opportunities from an interdisciplinary …
In this commentary, we summarize and build upon discussions that emerged during the
workshop “Isotope-based studies of water partitioning and plant–soil interactions in forested …
workshop “Isotope-based studies of water partitioning and plant–soil interactions in forested …
Water use strategy of nitraria tangutorum shrubs in ecological water delivery area of the lower inland river: Based on stable isotope data
Excessive water use in the upper and middle reaches of arid inland river basins will
inevitably lead to the drying up of the lower reaches. Water allocation and ecological water …
inevitably lead to the drying up of the lower reaches. Water allocation and ecological water …
The combined effects of a long‐term experimental drought and an extreme drought on the use of plant‐water sources in a Mediterranean forest
Vegetation in water‐limited ecosystems relies strongly on access to deep water reserves to
withstand dry periods. Most of these ecosystems have shallow soils over deep groundwater …
withstand dry periods. Most of these ecosystems have shallow soils over deep groundwater …
Toward a common methodological framework for the sampling, extraction, and isotopic analysis of water in the Critical Zone to study vegetation water use
The analysis of the stable isotopic composition of hydrogen and oxygen in water samples
from soils and plants can help to identify sources of vegetation water uptake. This approach …
from soils and plants can help to identify sources of vegetation water uptake. This approach …
Stable isotopes reveal linkages among ecohydrological processes in a seasonally dry tropical montane cloud forest
Despite their critical role as freshwater resources and their vulnerability to anthropogenic
pressures, our knowledge of the ecohydrology of tropical montane cloud forests remains …
pressures, our knowledge of the ecohydrology of tropical montane cloud forests remains …
Plant and root‐zone water isotopes are difficult to measure, explain, and predict: Some practical recommendations for determining plant water sources
Stable isotope ratios of water (δ18O, δ2H) have long been used to study a core question in
plant ecology and ecohydrology:'From where do plants take up water?'Indeed, decades of …
plant ecology and ecohydrology:'From where do plants take up water?'Indeed, decades of …
Intercomparison of soil pore water extraction methods for stable isotope analysis
Measurements of δ2H and δ18O composition of pore waters in saturated and unsaturated
soil samples are routinely performed in hydrological studies. A variety of in‐situ and lab …
soil samples are routinely performed in hydrological studies. A variety of in‐situ and lab …
Challenges in studying water fluxes within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum: A tracer-based perspective on pathways to progress
Tracing and quantifying water fluxes in the hydrological cycle is crucial for understanding the
current state of ecohydrological systems and their vulnerability to environmental change …
current state of ecohydrological systems and their vulnerability to environmental change …
Stable isotopes of water reveal differences in plant–soil water relationships across northern environments
We compared stable isotopes of water in plant stem (xylem) water and soil collected over a
complete growing season from five well‐known long‐term study sites in northern/cold …
complete growing season from five well‐known long‐term study sites in northern/cold …