[HTML][HTML] Low-inertia control of a large-scale renewable energy penetration in power grids: A systematic review with taxonomy and bibliometric analysis
The crux to meet the daily exponential growth in power demand and reduce the carbon
footprint has seen to rejuvenate the consideration of large-scale renewable energy …
footprint has seen to rejuvenate the consideration of large-scale renewable energy …
Data-driven security and stability rule in high renewable penetrated power system operation
张怡, 张恒旭, **常刚, 蒲天骄 - **电机工程学报, 2020 - epjournal.csee.org.cn
具有典型的**时变性, **非线性, 随机不确定性, 数据多样性, 局部可观测性等特征 …
具有典型的**时变性, **非线性, 随机不确定性, 数据多样性, 局部可观测性等特征 …
Modeling of correlated stochastic processes for the transient stability analysis of power systems
M Adeen, F Milano - IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper proposes a systematic and general approach to model correlated stochastic
processes in power systems by means of stochastic differential-algebraic equations. The …
processes in power systems by means of stochastic differential-algebraic equations. The …
Low inertia power system planning considering frequency quality under high penetration of renewable energy
With the gradual replacement of synchronous generators by renewable energy sources, the
power imbalance in the system is exacerbated by the fluctuations of renewable energy …
power imbalance in the system is exacerbated by the fluctuations of renewable energy …
[HTML][HTML] High penetration of inverter-based power sources with VSG control impact on electromechanical oscillation of power system
The virtual synchronous generator (VSG) provides a promising solution to integrate a high
penetration of inverter-based sources into the power system without threatening the …
penetration of inverter-based sources into the power system without threatening the …