[HTML][HTML] A review of modern and conventional extraction techniques and their applications for extracting phytochemicals from plants
For centuries, phytochemicals have been of immense value to communities worldwide.
These metabolites have been used in healthcare systems as medicines to treat various …
These metabolites have been used in healthcare systems as medicines to treat various …
[PDF][PDF] A review on the extraction methods use in medicinal plants, principle, strength and limitation
NN Azwanida - Med aromat plants, 2015 - researchgate.net
Medicinal plants are gaining much interest recently because their use in ethno medicine
treating common disease such as cold, fever and other medicinal claims are now supported …
treating common disease such as cold, fever and other medicinal claims are now supported …
[PDF][PDF] An overview of methods of extraction, isolation and characterization of natural medicinal plant products in improved traditional medicine research
DJ Fonmboh, ER Abah, TE Fokunang… - Asian J Res Med …, 2020 - academia.edu
Herbal plants are very important in traditional community use and enrich our plant
biodiversity and conservation. Natural products are vital substances of traditional knowledge …
biodiversity and conservation. Natural products are vital substances of traditional knowledge …
Extraction techniques for plant-based bio-active compounds
Bio-active compounds include terpenoids, alkaloids, nitrogen-containing compounds,
organosulfur compounds, and phenolics. Plant-based bio-active compounds show …
organosulfur compounds, and phenolics. Plant-based bio-active compounds show …
Gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) starch for bifunctional purposes: Wastewater treatment by photocatalytic systems and bioplastic production
Starch contains high levels of amylose and amylopectin and has good biodegradability,
making it an attractive alternative biopolymer raw material and is considered to have …
making it an attractive alternative biopolymer raw material and is considered to have …
Nutritional composition of Dioscorea hispida from different locations around Leuser ecosystem area
Proximate analysis of Dioscorea hispida tubers, collected from five locations around Leuser
ecosystem in Aceh Province, showed variations amongst samples. Standard AOAC method …
ecosystem in Aceh Province, showed variations amongst samples. Standard AOAC method …
Recent advances in extraction of phytochemicals
Phytochemicals have always proven very valuable to societies all over the globe.
Healthcare systems have employed these metabolites as medications to treat a number of …
Healthcare systems have employed these metabolites as medications to treat a number of …
[HTML][HTML] Insulin-Mimetic Activity of Herbal Extracts Identified with Large-Scale Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
C Neuhauser, B Schwarzinger, C Schwarzinger… - Nutrients, 2024 - mdpi.com
Diabetes mellitus is a spreading global pandemic. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the
predominant form of diabetes, in which a reduction in blood glucose uptake is caused by …
predominant form of diabetes, in which a reduction in blood glucose uptake is caused by …
Coptis rhizome extract influence on Streptococcus pneumoniae through autolysin activation
EB Lee, K Lee - AMB Express, 2024 - Springer
This study investigated the antibacterial properties of Coptis rhizome, a plant traditionally
used for respiratory infections, against Streptoccus pneumonia (S. pneumoniae), for which …
used for respiratory infections, against Streptoccus pneumonia (S. pneumoniae), for which …
Current perspectives on the Nutrient composition and health benefits of yams (Discorea species)
Yams (Discorea spp) are food security crops which serve as invaluable food sources of
energy, micronutrients and phytochemicals with numerous health benefits. They show a lot …
energy, micronutrients and phytochemicals with numerous health benefits. They show a lot …